A Very Confuse Ghost

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When Ramona saw Bucky running away from them when Natasha fired the weapon, she couldn't let him just disappear again. Ramona was confuse, why wasn't he happy to see her, why didn't he greet her when he saw her. Ramona had all those emotion going through her mind and body so she took off after Bucky when he was running away from the fight. Bucky was faster now, Ramona didn't have any trouble keeping up, she was keeping her distance he didn't smell the same, his energy wasn't the same but it was still her Bucky.

Bucky made a quick detour under a freeway pass trying to catch his breath. His mind was a complete mess, his emotion was a complete mess Bucky just couldn't place where he saw that man before, he was just suppose to be his mission. What really got his emotion messed up was the dog that was with the man, he felt a connection there, he felt his heart jump a little when he got a good look at the dog. Bucky was breathing hard also in pain, he then felt that he was being watch, Bucky lift his head a spotted the dog that was with his mission. Bucky stop breathing, feeling a headache happening, he then closed his eyes grabbing his head trying to stop the pain. Ramona stayed a few feet away from Bucky, not wanting to get close. Ramona wanted to run straight to him and give him plenty of kisses but her instincts was telling her to stay put. Ramona was never afraid of Bucky, ever, why was she now. She took a step forward to Bucky, who quickly wield a gun pointing at her. Ramona stopped seeing the weapon drawn at her, she let out a whine before laying down on her stomach showing that she wasn't going to attack him. Bucky couldn't shoot the dog for what ever reason, something was stoping him, Bucky lowered the gun down keeping an eye on the dog. 

Ramona wagged her tail then lift her head, crawling towards Bucky slowly. Bucky was watching the dog make it's way over to him. Ramona made her way, she can smell him, she knew it was her Bucky, she let out a whine putting her nose lightly against Bucky hand. Bucky was just sitting there staring at the dog with great confusion wondering why it was trying it's hardest to come to him, when he felt its nose brush against his hand he quickly pulled back putting the gun up against her head right between her eyes. Ramona looked at Bucky with her mix-match eyes, Bucky stared back looking deeply into them, the gun in Bucky hand was shaking his finger couldn't pull the trigger. Bucky then was seeing pictures of the dog that was in front of him, he was seeing her and him going to what look like a park, then seeing them together on a rainy day when she was very small and skinny, almost everything about this dog was familiar and yet so strange. "Ramona" Bucky stated not knowing were this name came from or why he said it. "Ramona, I named you Ramona." Bucky stated in a voice that sound like it was hardly use. Ramona wagged her tail, whining nudging her head under his hand, wanting Bucky to give her love. Ramona missed his voice, it's been so long since she heard it, it's been so long since she felt his kisses it's been so long since she was with her Bucky. Bucky didn't move his hand still wondering why and how did he know this dog. Bucky put his gun in the holder then slowly moved his hand to Ramona head, his fingers brushed against her fur before moving his hand fully on top of her head. Ramona closed her eyes giving Bucky all the time he needed, his hand wasn't moving just sitting on top of her head, Ramona open her eyes again staring into Bucky eyes that was looking at her with such intensity and confusion that Ramona felt almost every emotion that was coming off of him. "Ramona" Bucky said again keeping his hand just laying on top of the dog head. Bucky was looking into her eyes feeling that same pull once again, it was like he didn't want to leave her, but he didn't know her, but he did know her just like he thinks he knows that man that he was fighting.

Suddenly both heard vehicles coming near them, Bucky knew it was Hydra coming to get him to repair him. Bucky turned to the dog who was listening to the vehicle coming near, "Go" Bucky said lifting himself up from his sitting  position. Ramona just looked at him, she wasn't leaving Bucky, never again did she want to lose him, "You need to leave, go back to that man." Bucky said to the dog. Ramona stood up slowly walking towards Bucky sitting in front of him with her chin on his stomach as she looked up to him, Bucky looked back down at the dog then he kneeled down looking at the dog in the eyes again, "You need to go, please I don't want them to take you." Bucky said, he didn't know why he said it, he didn't understand anything anymore. Bucky started walking away towards the vehicles, Ramona didn't move from her spot just watching him leave once again, Bucky looked back to the dog once more then disappeared along with the vehicles back to Hydra to report his mission.

Ramona stayed put for a few hours, laying down where Bucky was sitting. Ramona was hurt that he left again, she wanted to stay with him forever, when Bucky told her to go back to Steve she listened she was confuse about everything not understanding what happen to Bucky or why his energy was so off and not stable. Ramona didn't feel fear with Bucky, she felt like she didn't know him and was trying to get to know him. Ramona stayed where she was for two hours before making her way back to Steve, Ramona looked out to the horizon smelling for Steve scent, she found it, it was faint but she picked it up. She made her way to Steve location with a heavy heart hoping she will see her Bucky soon.

A/N: I just wanted Bucky and Ramona to have a moment with each other, I thought it was cute and a good break from the story. Thank you all for reading I happy you all are liking it so far :D

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