Til the End

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Ramona smelled Bucky her nose twitch anytime the wind blew her way, Steve was watching Ramona closely he knew she can smell him. They made their way where they see Bucky feet standing by the chip compartment. Steve put his hand on Ramona head, "Stay here girl" Steve said sternly not wanted her to get involve if she doesn't have to. Ramona stayed where Steve told her keeping an eye on the two, when the fight broke out Ramona moved under them keeping them in her sights. The chip that Steve was holding feel to where Ramona was standing, Ramona looked at the chip then looked back up seeing both Steve and Bucky falling down to her level. Ramona didn't know what to do, she didn't want to hurt Bucky but she knew from his energy that he was the same, something changed. Steve let out a painful scream when Bucky pudge a knife into his shoulder, Ramona sprung into action biting Bucky on his arm, Bucky let out a scream himself trying to grab the dog by her neck, Steve head butted Bucky off of him knocking Bucky to the floor. Ramona stilled held onto Bucky arm growling pulling him back as he reach for the chip, Bucky turned his head to the dog then swung his arm as hard as he could trying to shake her off but Ramona was trained on holding on and not letting go. Steve grab Bucky by his neck wanting him to let go of the chip.

"Drop it" Steve said to Bucky who was stubbornly keeping hold of the chip, Steve then body slammed him putting his foot on Bucky face keeping the arm with the chip between his own, "Drop it!" Steve said with a final warning. When Bucky didn't comply Steve then dislocated his shoulder causing Bucky to scream in pain, surprisingly he still held on. Steve had enough of his friends stubbornness deciding that knocking him out would have to do, Steve put Bucky in a choke hold. Bucky was wiggling trying his hardest to get out of the man hold, he's never experience anything like this before, he began to panic and becoming desperate, he swung his metal arm at the man trying to hit him, but the man was quick and pinned that arm down. Bucky was really starting to panic when he felt his air supply running low, Bucky looked towards the weird colored dog that was watching standing close incase, he guest, the man need its help. Bucky world slowly turned to black. 

When Bucky stopped moving Steve let him go grabbing the chip that Bucky finally drop. Steve quickly ran to the chip compartment, Ramona heard Bucky move behind her, Ramona turned to Bucky seeing him pointing the gun at her, next thing she knew she felt pain hit. Ramona let out a painful cry falling to the floor, Steve quickly felt a bullet hit him on his thigh surprise to find Bucky conscious so quickly. Steve then saw Ramona down, he couldn't worry about her right now, Steve continue his climb dodging the bullets that Bucky was rain at him. "30 seconds Cap." Steve heard Hill say into his ear piece. Steve tried his best to put his chip into the socket when Bucky hit him in the perfect spot, close to his heart. Steve went down like a horse in shock that he was almost killed, Steve then reach the chip socket, "Charlie lock" Steve said. "Fire it Hill" Steve said. The air craft was being fired at Steve was holding on as tightly as he could, he then heard Bucky let out a scream before being trapped underneath metal. Ramona ran down towards Bucky followed by Steve.

Bucky looked at both of them with a frighten look, he was trapped and nothing was going to stop them from killing him. To his surprise the dog came over and started licking his face, Bucky was confuse as to why the animal was licking him, he was even more confuse when the man was helping him lift the metal off. Bucky quickly lift the metal along with the man wanting to get out, also to stop the animal from licking him, the dog then grab his vest pulling him out from underneath his metal trap. Once he was free he took a breath, then remembering his mission, he kicked the dog for all that he was worth causing the animal to whine then rolled out the window hopefully into the Potomac. Bucky attention turned to the man, his main mission.

Steve couldn't believe that Bucky kicked Ramona that hard, when he spotted his friend looking at him, Steve knew he had one more shoot at saving him, "You know me, you know that dog that you kicked" Steve said with a heavy breath trying to see if he can spot Ramona, the smoke was to thick for him to see her. "No I don't!" Bucky yelled punching Steve with all that he had. "Bucky, you knew us your whole life, please remember, your name is James Buchanan Barnes." Steve said trying to get through to him. "Shut Up!" Bucky yelled hitting Steve again. Bucky then stopped, his mind was racing, everything just wasn't making sense, this was his mission. Steve took off his helmet hoping his face would trigger something. "I'm not going to fight you Buck, you're my friend, Ramona, she was your dog, you raised her from the time she was a pup. Please remember." Steve said to Bucky, he can see a spark happening, that quickly faded. Bucky then charged at him, "You're my mission!" Bucky shouted into Steve face punching him over and over. Bucky stopped when the man smiled, "Then finish it, cause i'm with you, til the end of the line." Steve said before blacking out, his injuries finally taking a toll on him. 

Bucky stop in shock at what the man said, those line sounded so familiar to him, it was as clear as day. He said those words to him, he remember saying them, but why couldn't he remember the reason behind those words. Suddenly a big explosion happened causing the man to fall, Bucky held on to the rubble watching the man fall into the Potomac. Bucky was having flashbacks or memories laps, he remember his friend, his name was Steve, he remember the dog, he remember seeing her as just skin and bones and very little, he then see Steve as a skinny man. Bucky was seeing everything like a slow motion film, but the film was fuzzy and blurred in some parts. Bucky knew that Steve was the man that was his mission, could he even be consider a mission anymore, Bucky remember how he became this thing that he is now. Bucky remember his little girl, Ramona, the dog meant everything to him, he remember the emotion, the connection they had. Bucky closed his eyes, he was truly remembering some parts of his past, Bucky then let go of the metal that he was holding, diving to save his friend and hopefully seeing  the dog who's name was Ramona. Bucky crashed into the Potomac easily finding Steve thanks to his uniform, he grab his friend arm pulling him to the surface hearing him gasp for air. Bucky looked around hoping to find the dog, but couldn't find her, he then swim to the shore. Once he made it he dropped Steve down, looking at him making sure he was still breathing. Bucky was about to turn and leave when he heard splashing followed by a body shaking making water splash on him.

Bucky turned around seeing Ramona behind him, hurt but alive wagging her tail at him. Bucky slowly looked at her, looking at her mix-match eyes, seeing her ears one was straight the other was floppy, seeing her crooked tail. Bucky was taking everything in, he then bend down on one knee holding out his arms, "Ramona, my little girl." Bucky said with a small smile. Ramona ran straight to his open arms whining as Bucky enclosed them around her, hugging her tight. Ramona tail was wagging a mile a minute, her Bucky was here, he truly found her. Ramona was so happy to have Bucky with her. Bucky felt that connection, he felt the emotion that was dormant for so long coming through, he didn't fully remember everything, but his body and heart did. He remember this dog who he knew he loved with everything he has, "I found you girl." Bucky said with his eyes close as he held on tightly to Ramona. Ramona was whining up a storm making a noise that was coming from her soul, licking Bucky on his face and hair. Bucky pulled back keeping his hand on her body looking at her everywhere trying to put some of the puzzle together in his mind, "I'm sorry little girl, i'm so sorry." Bucky said with tears in his eyes. Bucky was very overwhelm, he was hurt, his mind felt like it was going a thousand miles an hour, he had to leave quickly, he was hearing jets getting closer to this location. "I have to go girl" Bucky said, then he looked back at Steve, "I can't stay with him, I need to find myself again, I need to just think....I think." Bucky said he then turned his attention to Ramona, "I'll miss you girl." Bucky said finding it hard to pull away from Ramona, he stood up then began walking into the forest. 

Ramona looked to Steve, she then walked over to him checking making sure he was ok, Ramona then licked Steve on his face giving him a final cuddle, Ramona pulled her head away from his neck giving Steve a final look then she took off after Bucky following him into the forest and away from Steve. Bucky looked down at Ramona and smiled, "Are you sure you want to come with, it will be a crazy journey." Bucky asked Ramona, she just looked at him licking his hand staying at his side. Bucky put his hand on her head, "Well ok, let's learn who James Barnes is."

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