Hydra Must be Stopped

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Steve and Sam was on the canal wall looking over the distance, "Do you think she'll come back?" Sam ask with his arm crossed thinking about everything that happen in the underground base. "I don't know, I should've known she would follow him, she's been looking for him every since we woke up, now she found him and...I don't know." Steve said looking down at his feet thinking about Ramona running away and him not even noticing until they were capture. "I just hope he don't kill her, or Hydra get their hands on her again. I wish they found each other under different circumstances." Steve finished looking back at the canal. "I kind of miss her, it's to quiet now with out her big ass following me around." Sam said trying to lighten up the mood, "You know he's going to be there right. You may have to make a tough call." Sam said wanted Steve to understand that his friend may not be able to be saved. Steve let out a breath, he already knew he couldn't kill Bucky now that he knows he's alive. "I know, but i'm going to try to not let anything happen." Steve final said after a while of thinking, "He may not give you a choice." Sam said. Steve stayed silence going back into his head ready to stop Hydra once and for all. "Suit up Sam." Steve said walking away, "You're going like that?" Sam asked with a smile, Steve looked back with his own smirk, "No, if you're going to war you need a uniform right." Steve said making his way to get his old suit.

Steve snuck into the museum gaining his suit back then changing in the alley that was nearby, when Steve was about to put on his helmet he heard a noise of something running straight to him, Steve hid behind the trash can waiting for the person to pass by. When Steve didn't hear any noise he quickly looked around the trash can coming face to snout with Ramona who had her tongue hanging  breathing hard with her tail wagging. Steve couldn't believe she came back, he thought for sure she would be with Bucky, "You came back." Steve said still crouch by the trash can Ramona jumped at him licking where ever she can reach, Steve put his hands on her head, "I'm glad you're ok girl, I thought you would be with him." Steve said rubbing Ramona body as she rolled on her back enjoying the belly rub. Steve felt relieve that she came back and wasn't hurt or killed. "I'm sure you found him girl, i'm sorry." Steve said to the goofy dog as she got back up shaking her fur, Ramona then walked to Steve licking his hand as he put them back on her head. "Come on girl, let's try to save our friend." Steve said running to where Sam and Hill was waiting for him.

Hill and Sam was having a small conversation about random things and who was a better shooter when they heard noises coming close to them, Ramona came rushing out the bushes jumping at Sam surprising the man who shouted like his life was ending. "Ok girl, get off of him." Steve said while laughing, Hill just smirk at Sam and his manly scream that he let out. "Well I see she's back, I guess your buddy have a heart somewhere." Hill said in disbelief that Ramona actually came back. Sam grunt getting off the ground after being tackled by Ramona who was next to Steve looking at him with a smile on her face. "I can only imagine what your friend felt when she jumped on him, let alone bitting someone." Sam said feeling Ramona strength first hand, and it wasn't pleasant, that dog was truly stronger then she looked. "Trust me I don't want to know." Steve said petting Ramona on her head, "Come on let's let Hydra know their time is up." Steve said as him and everyone else started walking to the Shield building to deliver a message.

Once Steve was done with his speech to the whole building him, Sam, and Ramona, made their way outside ready for action, "Hey Steve, how can we tell the good guys from the bad?" Sam asked sarcastically already knowing the answer, "If they shooting at you, their bad." Steve said before him and Ramona jumped down to the hanger, while Sam took off in the skies. "Ok girl, this is it, do what you do best." Steve said giving Ramona a kiss between her eyes as he grab her head, "If you see Bucky, be careful. Ok let's go, Ramona Atacka!" Steve shouted as he started taking down Hydra men left and right. Ramona sprung into action biting and taking down everyone she saw, Ramona stayed close to Steve giving him the back up that he needed as they made their way across the hanger. "Hey Cap I think I found those bad guys you were talking about." Sam said while fighting dodging bullets along the way. "Are you ok?" Steve asked as he waited for Ramona to take care of her group of Hydra. "I'm not dead yet." Sam said, Steve went back into the battle when Ramona ran pass him taking down more men. Steve made it to the first air craft, putting his chip in it. "Alpha locked." Steve said, running out to the third air craft with Ramona close on his heel, to Hill, "Good work Cap, Falcon how about you." Hill asked wondering what was taking him so long when he said he was in his air craft. "I'm taking a detour, hold on!" Sam said trying to get Hydra off his back. "Ok Beta Locked." Sam said finally making it to his air craft, "Hey Sam, we are going to need a ride." Steve said running in another direction away from the Hydra men that had a bazooka ready to launch, Steve grab Ramona under his arm jumping off the hanger free falling, then he felt Sam grab his arm using his momentum to pull them up back onto the air craft that need to be chipped. "You know, both of you are a lot heavier then you look." Sam said out of breath, Ramona nudge Sam making him almost trip, "We had a big breakfast." Steve said trying not to feel to fat.

Steve was about to make a jab back at Sam when he was tackled by Bucky falling off the air craft. "Steve!" Sam shouted in surprise, he wasn't expecting Bucky to come out of no where, Sam tried to save Steve but was taken down by Bucky, Ramona ran at him going for his leg, Bucky saw her coming and grab her by her scruff throwing her off the air craft."Ramona! What the hell man!" Sam shouted at Bucky fighting him, Bucky broke one of his wings, then kicking Sam off the air craft grounding him the reminder of the mission. Steve saw Ramona falling then quickly grab her by her collar, causing  Ramona to chock then pulling her up under his arm. Steve swing both himself and Ramona back on the air craft breathing hard. "Cap, i'm grounded i'm sorry man Ramona was thrown I don't know where she is." Sam said feeling helpless. "It's ok Sam, we are here, We got this." Steve said putting down Ramona checking her over, her collar was almost destroyed but was still intact. "Sorry girl, I didn't mean to choke you." Steve said rubbing her neck. Ramona just shook her fur, then moving forward looking back to Steve telling him, 'Come on' then walking into the air craft. Steve was breathing hard, he knew Bucky was going to be there waiting to stop them, this was it, the moment he's been waiting for but also not wanting it to come down to this.

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