Chapted 4

146 4 1

Garroth PoV

I was wondering campus with my friends, Jenny, Cathy, Betty, and a few other buds. I had the day off, so did the others. So what we did was meet up and just chill out for the day. We met at the cafe earlier. We ate breakfast and drank coffee. Now we are just wandering around trying to figure out what to do.

"Hey how about we go to a movie?" Xavier suggests. (I'm just coming up with names. Mainly cause they're probably not gonna be important later on.)

"What movie Xavier? They probably all playing right about now." Jenny answers, turning around to walk backwards.

"Uhh..." Was all the black haired male made out.

"It was a good suggestion Xavier," Betty said, smiling at him.

Suddenly Cathy stops walking. Everyone including me stop to look at her.

"What if. We go to. THE MALL!" Cathy exclaims, jumping up and down.

"Not a bad idea Cath," I said.

"Yeah! And we can get get lunch while we are there!" Batty exclaims.

"Of course she thinks of food," Brandon mumbled, shaking his head.

"Yeah! Let's go to the mall!" Jenny exclaimed, dashing on ahead. Which had the rest of us to run off.

Walking by the dorms, I spot Blaze. "Hey guys, I'm gonna hang out with Blaze," I told the crew dashing off.

"Use protection!" Brandon yells.

"Brandon! You dont! Xavier told me so," I yell back. Making both Xavier and Brandon a blushing mess, and the girls just laugh at my comment. "Bye you five!"

"Bye Garroth!" The girls laugh scream. The two boys just wave in return.

I look forward to see Blaze waiting for me. Quickly running up to him and give him a hug. He returns the hug.

"What was that exchange you been there babe?" He whispered in my ear.

"Oh you know just teasing Brandon and Xavier again," I answered shrugging a little.

"Well, now that I'm here, what are your other two wishes?" Blaze whispered in my ear, smirking.

"Sleep, and food," I answered.

"You're wishes are my commands," he said, throwing over me over his shoulder. He starts running, well more like sprinting, to an unknown place. I just decided to roll with it.

After a couple of minutes, Blaze puts me down. In front of me I see a Cheesecake Factory. (I want Cheesecake Factory... That's probably why I written it in here.)

Without even thinking about Blaze, I run inside just wanting a slice of cheesecake.

-one hour later-cause cheesecake factory takes forever-well depends on which one ya go to-

"Thanks Blaze."

"Your welcome babe," he replied back, kissing the top of my head. " Hey, when we get back to campus, I have to get to another class, " he continued.

"Okay, I'm kinda sleepy anyways," I said tired.

"Okay, I'll text you when I'm done for the day. Considering you'll probably be sleeping in for the rest of the day," Blaze said, smiling his dorky smile.

The rest of the walk back was silent. We were just enjoying each other's company in a quiet and calm atmosphere. After thirty minutes of walking, we finally reached campus. Blaze decide to walk me to the dormitories. When we reached our building, he gave me a quick peck on the lips and dashed off. I tried as all hell, walked inside the building. Opening the door, I realized I broke down The Cheesecake Factory door. Not letting that faze me, I continue on going.

I walk up the stairs, to my floor, and to the dorm room I share with Blaze. Entering, I close the door and flop onto a bed. Not giving a care which bed it is. Considering we share a bed, switching between the two. With that I slowly drift off to sleep.

After a couple of hours of sleeping. I wake up to a Ding! from my phone. Picking up my phone, I expect a text from Blaze but, instead of was from a person I've never expected. Laurance.



Short chapter. Oops. Maybe the next chapter will be longer. Well anyways. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BESTEST OF BOYS! BLAZE AND BAKUGO! Lemme be honest. When I learned it was Blaze's birthday this afternoon, I started crying. People say they love Blaze, which they do. But my love for Blaze is INSANE! I won't get into any details but, yeah. I won't get into any details about my love do Bakugo either. Anyways that's all. Happy 4/20!


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