Chapter 5

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This chapter is a filled chapter. Cause why not. Well kinda. It just kinda gets into more about Travis, Zane, Vylad, and Aphmau.

Travis PoV

Agh! I'm going to be late! Where's the class at!!


"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I quickly said to the person I ran into.

I look down only to see Zane? His black hair disheveled from our crash. Making the eye that is usually hidden visible. His mask fell off his face, revealing his freckles. He's absolutely breathtaking. Why does he always hide it. After a solid twenty seconds, I decide to help him up. Before I could offer Zane runs off, fixing his hair and mask. It seems as if he's also crying?

Without any other thought, I run after him.

Zane PoV

How could you slip up like that Zane!? He probably thinks that you're ugly! Agh! Fuck me! I think to myself. I just started running, with no thought on where I'm actually going. I just ran, trying to get away from any confrontation.

After a couple of minutes of running, I ended up in the bathroom. I flop onto the ground, and just ball my eyes out. I made sure no one was in here. Not that I cared, or anyone else. Not that anyone cares about me anyways.

I slowly sink to the ground. Wrapping my arms around my legs, sobbing into the sleeves of my shirt. Not even 30 seconds later, the door whips open, and there stands a panting Travis. I look up a little only to watch him walk towards me fast. Scared, and not wanting him to see me, I do a weird waddle thing backwards. He probably notices that I don't want to be near him, so he slows his pace down.

I look up into his eyes for a quick second. Which our eyes meet. I could see the concern in them. It seemed if he was about to cry. I look back down to stare at his feet. Avoiding anymore eye contact. Sitting there I thought to myself, Why did he chase after me?. Without even noticing this, I was pulled up from my awkward sitting position and into Travis's arms.

"Zane, can I be your friend?" Travis said softly.

I was taken aback but, without realizing this, I hugged back and said sure.


The bell rang, and Travis and I left the bathroom. Without realization, we left the bathroom hand in hand.

Walking down the hall way to our next class, we receive some strange looks from people.

Aphmau PoV

I was walking to my next class when I recognized a certain white haired boy. Knowing it was Travis, I quickly run up behind him. Until I realize that he's with another person. Slowing down my pace, I realize that this other person is Zane?! Walking directly behind them, I examine the two. Looking up and down, I notice that they are holding hands!!! Whipping out my phone I take a quick photo, and without a second thought, I run past them to find Kawaii~Chan. Which wasn't long. I found the pink haired Me'fai at her locker. Grabbing a few things.

She turns her head, seeing me, she said, "Hi Aphmau~Senpai! Do you need something from Kawaii~Chan?"

"Kawaii~Chan. I have found. A new ship!" I exclaim, whipping out my phone again. Showing her my new lock screen.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" (My cringed ass writing is coming back! It's probably cause it 1 am....) KC squeals. "When did Aphmau~Senpai take this picture?!"

"A couple minutes ago!! I made it my back screen as soon as I took it! I'll send it to you right now!!"

"Yes please! Kawaii~Chan needs this in her life!!!" KC exclaimed.

"I gotta go! See ya KC!" I exclaimed, running off after I sent the photo.

"See you in class Aphmau~Senpai!!"

I ran off to find Vylad. Which I figure he'd be outside behind the bleachers where he normally is. And not to my surprise there he was sitting on the grass behind the bleachers on his phone.

"Hey Vylad~~~" I cheer.

"Hi Aph," he said dully.

I walk up to the sitting boy, "Can I show you something real quick?" I ask.

"Uh. Sure. Make it quick I'm talking to someone," he quickly said, standing up.

I turn on my phone and go into my photos. Clicking on the first photo, the Travis and Zane photo. Handing him over the phone. He looks, and his face morphs from dull and unamused to shocked and confused.

"Where and when did you get this?" he asked, handing me back the phone.

"Oh you know, just a picture I took this morning. Too da loo~~" I said blissfully.

Skipping away form the shocked confused Vylad, I head to class. Thinking that I should send this picture I captured to Garroth.

~Time Skip to Lunch Bitches cause I don't know or remember what class it is but whatever, roll with it~

"Foooooooooooodddd~~" I drooled.

"Aphmau~Senpai, you need to eat breakfast," Kawaii~Chan said, rolling her eyes.

"I know but ain't nobody got time for that," I said sassily, snapping my fingers.

"Whatever Aphmau~Senpai says."

"Hey Alpha! Wanna sit with us?" a male said walking behind us.

Turing around I see Dottie, Rylan, and Daniel , "Sure Rylan! But please call me Aphmau, we're friends."

"Okay Al-phmau," he replied, jumbling up his words.

It's kinda funny that he's still calling me Alpha and we've been in the same class for  four years. I shake my head. Then running into cafeteria for food. Cutting all the freshmen and sophomores, abusing my senior rights. (This happens in my school, I know cause I'm a freshmen, almost sophomore 🤦‍♀️)

"Welp, we lost her to food," Dottie said.

Aphmau PoV

Aphmau spots the two hand in hand. She quickly takes pictures to show Kawaii~Chan, Garroth, and Vylad. She texts the pictures to Garroth. Then leaves to search for the other two. She finds Kawaii~Chan. Aphmau shows the pink haired Meif'wa. They fangirl for a little. aphma u then sends the pics to KC. After that she runs to find Vylad. She finds Vylad sitting by a tree texting someone. She quickly runs up to him snatches the phone and tell him what she saw. Vylad is shocked, and tells her to prove it. She whips out her phone and brings up the picture. He's surprised and tells her to send them to him. She does and quickly glances at Vylads phone. Only to see that Vylad is talking to none other than Dante. And the last shared texts are the heart emojis. She then freaks out. Vylad tries to calm her but fails. After awhile she calms. Vylad then explains what has happened and all that jazz. She then says thanks and leaves. Vylad yells at her in confusion, asking her where she is going. However she doesn't reply. She then brews something up in her head.

Chapter end.


Imma be honest. I thought this was gonna be shorter. I made a description on how the chapter was gonna go. I do that so i could write the chapter knowing what's gonna happen. Lemme just say it was 500 words. Anyways,


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