Chapter 9

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Third PoV
Ugh. Why does he have to be like this. Garroth thinks pacing back and fourth in his room. Ignoring whatever Blaze is yelling.

"Are you even listening to what I'm saying?!" Blaze growled. The only thing he's actually spoke that didn't include yelling.

"No! I'm not!" Garroth yelled.

Blaze threw his hands up. Garroth rolled his eyes at Blazes outburst. This kind of arguing started last week. A couple of days after Laurance texted Garroth.

"If you aren't even gonna listen to what I'm saying! I'm just gonna go over to Peter's place!" Blaze yelled, turning towards the door. (Once again, Peter, a random name that may or may not be important later on. Probably not though.)

"Go to Peter's. Might as well stay there,"Garroth  growls quietly.

"So you are listening?!" Blaze asked shocked and angrily.

"I mean all you talk about is Peter this, Peter that. Is there even anymore Garroth in your little world? Is it just all Peter?!

"Well at least he doesn't complain all the fucking time," Blaze grumbled.

Garroth whips his head to look at Blaze. Confused with a hint of shock in his eyes. "What's this bullshit about me complaining all the time?"

"You really are listening! What a miracle, but with that there's more complaining! Shocker!" He growled, the last part sarcastically.

"Okay then Blaze. Tell me what I complain about," Garroth sneered.

"Okay, Garroth. You complain a lot about Tuesday's, your coffee being 'too hot', homework, your friends, girls coming up to you, you sometimes even complain about me. You complain about the most simplest shit. It's annoying as fuck."

Garroth was about to say something, until he closed his mouth shut.

"Got nothing to say, huh?" Blaze said. "If you ain't got anything to say I'll be on my way. Bye Garroth." With that being said, Blaze left to Peters.

Garroth stands in shock and disbelief. Tears slowly forming in his eyes. Garroth grabs his phone looking at the time, 10:32. The date, November 30. Couple more hours til December.  Garroth stares at his phone, unlocking it. Knowing he needs to talk to someone about this whole fiasco. Going to his contacts he starts from the top.

Blaze was at the top. Yeah no. I'm not going to talk to him for awhile. Aphmau was next. She would be a good one to talk to if she actually talks. She would probably end up telling me to talk to Laurance. Zane. He won't even pick up. Mommy. She would cry. Probably not the best idea to call her. Vylad. He's gonna tell me to talk to Mommy or Aph. Trashvis. Hell to the naw. Not going to happen. Betty. She's gonna tell me to eat food. Explaining about how it solves every problem. Which isn't a bad idea.

Garroth scrolls through every last contact. Some he considers about some a definite no. Until he reaches the last and final contact. Laurance.

Laurance. Laurance. Laurance. Should I call him? What will he say!? What- Without even realizing it he called Laurance. His long time friend he hasn't talked to in awhile.




Also I'm posting today, I would tomorrow but tomorrow is Fathers Day sooo..... Short chapter I know, but hey I'm getting drafts done! Also I realized the last chapter was basically a remake but different of one of my previous chapters. I didn't even realize that. Sorry 😅 Anyways till next chapter,


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