Chapter 7

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Yes chapter 7. Don't tell me otherwise. Also to clear up some things, this chapter goes along with the chapter that goes to Zanvis for a bit. My dumb butt thought that I had the order correct but, it 'twas not. So yeah! Also a bunch of profanity because why the hell not! Also I need to release my frustration on Tuesday's!

Garroth PoV

It's a Monday. Nothing goes on on a Monday. Monday is boring, and sad, and shitty. Fucking Monday. However it's not as bad as fucking Tuesday! Tuesday's are the worst. You think Monday's are cause it's a start of a new week but, nope! Fucking Tuesday's are worse. Second day of the week. You just want to DIE! On Monday you could talk to people about shit! When the next day rolls around you got nothing to talk about so on Tuesday's every one is an antisocial person! Which leaves you to your own thoughts. Which leads to wondering what you're going to do this weekend. THEN the realization hits, it's only the second day of the week!!! (Holy fuck I needed to let that out! Sorry for profanity! Also don't know what to write so ya know... Yeah...)

"Hello? Garroth you good?" Blaze asked waving his hand in front of me face.

"Huh. Oh yeah I'm fine," I quickly answered.

"You were thinking about how much you hate Tuesday's again. Weren't you?"


"Gar, they are literally only Tuesday's what's so bad about them?" Blaze asks rolling his eyes.

"EVERYTHING!" I exclaim! (Fucking hate Tuesday's)

Blaze grabs his phone out of his pocket. "Babe guess what?"


He walks over to me, "Christmas is on a Tuesday."

"NOOOO!!!! Christmas can't be on a Tuesday!!"

"Well toooo bad!"

"Ughh! Why does the calendar and life have to be against meee!!!!" I complain, walking to my bed. Flopping onto its soft blue and yellow throw blanket.

"Garrr~~~ It's only a Tuesday. Do you really think Christmas could be ruined by a Tuesday!? It's CHRIMAS we are talking bout here!"

"CHRIMAS or not it's still a TUESDAY!" I complain throwing my hands up.

"Fine then, complain about Chrimas being on Tuesday. I'm going to get a coffee," Blaze said with annoyance, walking out of our door.

Lying there on the bed, I think to myself. Are Tuesday's really that bad? Pondering about this question I realized that I'm complaining about nothing. Because Tuesdays are just a day of a week nothing to special.


Sitting up, I grab the phone that's on its charger. Flipping it so the screen is facing me, the notification is from Blaze.

Blaze❤️ - Do you want anything from the Café?

Shaking my head, I reply back,

Garroth - Just my usual and a blueberry scone.

In a few seconds he answers,

Blaze❤️ - Okay! See you soonish!

Flopping back on the bed I shake my head, thinking about Blaze.


Bringing my phone to my face once again, I expect it to be from Blaze however it was from Aphmau? Swiping, I open the chat. It was a picture! Clicking on the photo I look at it! It was a black haired male and a white haired male holding hands.

Garroth - Who is that?

Aph! - Its Zane and Travis! Duh. Who else?

Garroth - Wait. WHAT!

Aph! - Yeah!! Anyways... I gotta go!! Got class! Ttyl Gar!

Garroth - Okay! But this ain't over I got more questions. Ttyl.

Throwing my phone to the side. I think about that damn photo. What was it about? And why the hell were Zane and Travis HOLDING HANDS!! Ugh. I'll call Zane later about it. Relaxing my mind a bit, I stand up and sit back down. Not actually knowing what to do.

The door opening, "Heya Gar, I'm back!," whom I assume, Blaze, shouts.

"Awesome!" I exclaimed standing up and running to the werewolf who has all the food. Quickly grabbing my coffee and scone.

"Looks as if someone is excited about food," Blaze said shaking his head to my hurriedness.

" I gotta eat and I really need this coffee if I'm supposed to survive this Tuesday. "

"Ugh this Tuesday bullshit."

"Blaze it's actually not because it's Tuesday," I told him.


"Before you got here Aphmau sent me a photo of my little brother Zane. Holding hands with Travis!" I explained in the least amount of words possible.

Blaze gives me a confused look. Grabbing my phone i show him the picture. "Okay...? So what's wrong with the picture?" Blaze asks still with the confused expression.

"ITS MY BROTHER AND TRASHVIS!" I yelled throwing my phone onto the bed. I look at Blaze. He's shaking his head.

"What's wrong with 'Trashvis'?" He asks.

" Trashvis, is a huge casanova, he's also a pervert, and he just gives off vibes I don't trust, " I explain flopping onto the bed.

"Well just let him be. Zane is okay, he has Aphmau looking after him in a way."

"I guess..." I grumble crossing my arms.

Blaze sighs, setting down his coffee. He walks over to me and lies down next to me, somehow managing to wrap his arms around me. "Gar, I love you~"

"I love you too," I answer, turning to face him, pecking his forehead, before slowly drifting off to sleep. forgetting about the coffee and scone.

Third PoV

Travis looks up from his book. "What's up Travis?" Zane asks noticing this.

"I feel as though there was a shift in the world," Travis answered.

Zane rolls his eyes, "Someone probably called you trash."

With a dramatic gasp, "Excuse you Zane. I take offense to that."

"Its probably true," he shrugged, deciding to ignore Travis.

"Whatever Zane your just jealous! "



Four more days of school. Meaning more chapters more often?

I don't know we will have to see!



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