Chapter 8

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Laurance PoV

It's been a couple of days now. Garroth has yet to reply. He's read it, he just didn't reply. It hurts a little. Knowing that your best friend did not reply. Well, I guess that's what I get for not texting in him a few months. I texted the others, Aphmau, Travis, Zane, etc. They were understanding. Aphmau even sent me a photo of Zane and Travis holding hands. It was kinda funny, not gonna lie. Zane showing affection to someone other than his mom.

"Hey!" a voice shouted, surprising me.

Looking back, seeing that it is only Dante, "Hey Dante."

"What's up?" He asks, setting his bag on his desk.

"Oh, nothing," I answered sitting up.

Dante gives me a strange look, "Really?"


He shakes his head, "Laurance. Let me see your phone." Dante sticks his hand.

"What phone?" I said cheekily throwing the phone behind me.

"Laurance ," he raised his eyebrows.

"Fiiiinnnne." I reluctantly stand up, grabbing my phone and walk over to where he's standing. I hand Dante the unlocked phone.

"Unlock it Laurance."

Rolling my eyes, I unlock the phone. After doing so, I walk back to my bed and lay down. Waiting for his response. Looking at the blue haired male. Dante's just shaking his head.

Looking up from my phone, "Bro, just be patient. Garroth, he'll come around."

"Whatever you say man," I said rolling my eyes.

"Hmmmm... Let's go shopping! Get your mind off things!" Dante suggested.

"Why not," agreeing, I roll off the bed heading out the door.


Getting out of the car, Dante and I walk towards the mall. Dante gets to the door first and opens it for me.

"Thank you," I said walking past.

"Your welcome," Dante answered. (Always say thank you if someone opens the door, even if he or she is your mortal enemy, or just someone you planned to hang out with or a total stranger.)

Walking in, Dante and I look at all the decorations for Thanksgiving.

"Wow. They went all out for Thanksgiving," Dante said in amazement.

"Just wait until Christmas," I said, guessing that it will be the same.

We start walking around, hoping to find some good sales. Walking past Hot Topic, we see that it too has gotten ready for Thanksgiving. Surprised that Hot Topic went out its way for such an occasion.


Dante and I continue walking around, stopping at places with the best sales, or stopping to look around and see what the store got. Dante and I would have a small conversations here and there. Majority of them being about random stuff that is not important.

"Wanna get some food?" Dante said, ending our last conversation.

Nodding my head, "Definitely!"

Walking to the food court, I spot a certain red headed female. Grabbing Dante's red sleeve, "Hey, isn't that Nicole?"

"Hmm... Yeah that is," he said not giving her much attention.

"I'm gonna call her over. HEY NICOLE!" I yell, waving her over to where Dante and I stand.

"Dante?! Laur?!" She shouts back before racing towards us. She doesn't stop when she reaches us. Nicole engulfs us in a hug, almost bring us down to the ground. "What are you guys doing here!?" Nicole asks excitedly, not releasing us.

"Cause we go to the University that's here. What are you doing here!?" I asked back.

"Oh well, just traveling across the country for a little. Before I go back to Phoenix Drop, graduate, and go to Scaleswind University," she answered, releasing us.

"Well we were heading to the food court to grab some lunch. Wanna join us?"



Dante, Nicole, and I ate some lunch, and I, now realizing that Dante hasn't said anything since I saw Nicole. He's been texting someone for the past hour we've been with Nicole. We each finished eating a while back. Nicole is saying her goodbye, waving at the two of us.

"Is she gone?" Dante whispered to me.

"What do you mean is she gone?! Nicole just left!" I whisper shout at him.

"Phew. Well! Lets go back to the dorm!" Dante exclaimed, shoving his phone in his pocket.

Confused, I followed and rolled with what Dante was doing.


Walking into the dorm room I ask Dante, "Why were you on your phone when Nicole was with us. I thought you and her were a 'thing'?"

"Key words, we were," he replied.

"What happened with you too?" I asked, flopping onto my bed.

"Well... I found someone new."

"OooOoooOOooO! Who are they! You have to tell me!" I exclaimed, jumping off my bed.

"Promise to not get mad," he said warily.

"I won't! Scouts honor!"

"It's Vylad."

"Wait what?! Seriously?! Prove it!"

Dante grabs his phone and shows Vylads and his conversation.

"Oh shit."



Welp! There's that. Just wanted to say, for whoever is reading this. Thank you for reading it! Honestly I never thought anyone would read it. But knowing some people do makes me happy! Even if I'm inconsistent with chapters.... ANYWAYS!! Until the next one,


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