Doll Star, Doll Sun, Human Moon- Vignette, Plot Bunny

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Angst(?), one-shot.
Dollmaker AU
Lan Sizhui X Lan Jingyi X Jin Ling
Wei Wuxian X Lan Wangji

"A lock of hair, a set of one of their used—that hasn't been cleaned!—robes and a valuable possession of theirs." The man drawled out, ominous red eyes all but glowing in the dark. He pushed down the instincts that roared at him not to do the stupid thing he was about to do. But, "Will it really...?"

The man smirked, a glint of confidence—sadnessguiltresignationmockery—in his eyes. "No one has ever given them back."

Or in which the author watched a horror movie and read ZhuiYi angst and decided to make everyone else suffer.


Damp stone made up the walls of the room. An eerie lighting making it so they could see but miss any details. Lan Sizhui frowned, already having the feeling that he was going to regret this. A lot.

Lan Jingyi didn't seem to care about that, listening to everything single word the man who was called Yiling Laozu told them. In the middle of the room was a wooden crate filled with hay and straw until midway, an admittedly poorly made cloth doll that somewhat resembled Jin Ling laying in it harmlessly.

It gave Sizhui the chills.

Suddenly, he was hesitant to go ahead with this. Before he could do or say anything however, Jingyi impulsively took the—creepy—doll out of the box—Lan Sizhui swore he could see a haze of red settling in his eyes before it abruptly left. He frowned, reaching out, "Jingyi..." the other turned to him, eyes still blown wide in surprise and relief and something Sizhui couldn't quite place, "we should, uh, think about this properly."


I have no motivation for this one anymore. Sorry.

Dollmaker is a short horror film I saw on YouTube, and I just thought what if-s and yeah.

Wei Wuxian is the dollmaker and Lan Wangji is a doll in this one because, uh, stuff.

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