Special Place

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Russia's pov:

I was very surprised to find America crying in the locker room. I mean, he's- no he acts like he's the happiest guy in the world. I can't believe I couldn't see past that rock star mystique... Well I've seen the real him now, and I suppose I'll have to keep a secret for a while.

America and I decided to skip the rest of our classes, and go to his "special place". I have no idea where that is, but he said he would show me. We were walking behind the school, and he lead me into a small clearing in the woods. It was neat, and messy at the same time, because he had obviously been here before, judging by the sketchbook, and many pencils that were there. It was neat though.

He seemed to realize something, he blushed, and ran over to the sketchbook, turning to a new page.

"What was that a picture of?" I asked.

"NOTHING!" He yelled with an evident blush coating his face.

I chuckled, and he only blushed more at that.

We sat down, and he pulled out his computer from his back pack.

"You have wifi here?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's close enough to the school that I can still get a signal," America replied with a small smile.

"That's good," I said awkwardly.

I mean, it's not like I'm used to America being all close to me or anything... He usually just acts like an asshole towards me. I can't really blame him, that's what everyone does. Still, it's weird to have him siting next to me all quiet and shit. I've never seen him like this before, and I don't think anyone has.

I saw him pull up YouTube, and he searched up, "This Is Home-Cavetown".

"What's that?" I asked.

He looked to me and said, "A song, it's my favorite."

"Oh," I replied.

The song went on.

Often I am upset
That I cannot fall in love
But I guess,
Best avoids the stress of falling out of it.

Are you tired of me yet? 
I'm a little sick right now, but I swear
When I'm ready I will fly us out of here.

I'll cut my hair.
To make you stare.
I'll hide my chest,
And I'll figure out a way to get us out of here.

Turn off your  porcelain face,
I can't really think right now in this place
There's too many colors,
Enough to drive all of us insane

Are you dead?
Sometimes I think I'm dead.
'Cause I can feel a ghost,
And he's wrapping my head
But I don't wanna fall asleep just yet

My eyes went dark
I don't know where
My pupils are
But I'll figure out a way to get us out of here.

Get a load of this monster
He doesn't know how to communicate
His mind is in a different place
Will everybody please give him a little bit of space

Get a load of this train wreck
His hair's a mess,
And he doesn't know who he is yet
But little do we know the stars,
Welcome him with open arms

Time is
Tracing his face
But strangely he feels at home in this place.

Then the song ended, and I smiled at him.

"Sorry, I just listen to that song every time I come here..." He said. and I almost died from how cute he looked saying that.

"No, no, it's fine!" I replied, and smiled to him.

"Thank you," He said.

"For what?"

"Not being an asshole, and being nice to me when I've been so mean to you, and for being my first friends who knows anything about me."

"Well, thanks for not running away every time I approach you. Sure you were never very nice to me, but you talked to me. No one else had the guts to do that."

We sat in a comfortable silence until he asked, "Wanna watch some 'Camp Camp'?"

"What's that?" I asked.

His eyes widened, and then he scrambled to type it into his computer, and click on the right thing. Once he was done I saw a boy in a blue hoodie, he was very short. He seemed like a kid to me.

"Is this a kids show?" I asked.

"Hell no, you'll see." He said, and clicked the play button.

It came apparent to me that that kid in the blue hoodie is the main character, Max is his name, along with Nikki, Neil, and David. Mostly Max though.

America was certainly right, the show was not in any way for little kids. We watched for a little while, and laughed at the times something funny happened. Soon we had binged the entire three seasons (which wasn't hard, because each episode was like eleven minutes long).

"I've never had this much fun before, and that's saying a lot, because in my special place I'm prone to having fun."

"You ever bring anyone here before?" I asked.


"America? Could I come here with you again some time?"

"Of course! You make this place ten times better. That's saying a lot, seeing as how great it already is!"


797 words

oof. Sorry this was short... 

I just wanted to get something out because it occurred to me that people are actually reading this, so I'll try to update more often.

I love you all, and I hope you're having an amazing day, night, or whenever you're reading this! Love you!

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