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America's pov:

I decided it would be best if Russia and I pretended to still hate each other in public. Honestly we'd probably just avoid each other in order to prevent future conflicts. I really didn't want to be mean to him anymore. So avoiding him at school seemed like the best option. In my mind it was a good idea. Besides, it's not like people really expect us to be around each other twenty-four/seven. I mean, I suppose people will expect me to be around him some, to tease him and all, but this shouldn't be too abnormal, right?


"Hey America, why weren't you at school for the rest of yesterday?" Canada asked.

"No reason," I replied.

"Okay. I guess..." He seemed a little disappointed, but I didn't care much.

"America senpai, why aren't you picking on Russia as much?" Japan asked as she clung to my arm like a lifeline.

"Not up to it right now," I replied in a dismissing manner.


I went about my as usual, and when lunch came around I simply told my friends I had to go somewhere for lunch, and met Russia behind the school.

"Hey..." I said as I watched him smoke a really long cigarette. "Y'know smoking kills," I added.

"Whatever," He said in a really cold tone, but I just flinched and nodded. "Sorry, that was harsh..." He added on, and looked over to me.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I don't know, one second I was fine, the next I'm crying in the bathroom."

"Hmm, I know that feeling, but I don't know the name for it. Mood swings perhaps?"

"Maybe, everyone says I'm really bipolar, so maybe, but I don't know if the people who want me on a sewer stick should be the ones I trust..." Russia sighed at the end of that.

"I mean, I seriously think you're fine dude, these things just happen..."

"Eh, maybe you're right." He said, adding, "So, anyway, how are you?"

"I'm fin- I mean, okay..."

He looked at me skeptically, but then shrugged, "You sure?"

"Yep. Since we've been friends, which has only been a day may I add, I've been actually happy when I'm around you... It's nice."

"Hmm," Was the only reply I got.

"How're things going with Japan?" He changed the subject.

"Ugh... I wish we were just friends." I complained.

He chuckled. "You got yourself into this one, and you'll have to get yourself out."

I simply nodded, and he exhaled from his cigarette.

We talked about various things, and then lunch ended, and we went our separate ways to class. I had Spanish. (I was taking English and Spanish that year, but the school teaches most languages.)

I walked to the Spanish room where I found Mexico, my neighbor. I sat with him, and he smiled to me. I smiled back.

"Hola amigo!" He said. (Hello friend)

"¡Hola Mexico! ¿Como estas?" I asked. (Hi Mexico! How are you?)

"Bien, bien." (Good, good)

We had to stop talking, because the teacher walked in.

"Hola estudiantes!" She said. (Hello students)

"Hola señiorita." We replied. (Hello Mam)

"OK. Hoy es el veinticinco," She started by saying the date, and then began the class. (OK. Today is the twenty fifth.)

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