They Know

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WARNING: this chapter contains child abuse, and mentions of cutting. It also has the 'f' word, and no, not fuck.

Russia pov:

I walked into the school on Monday. Everyone had their eyes on me, but that was normal for this school, so I just walked to my locker, and grabbed my stuff. What surprised me was when America walked into the school building. Everyone started whispering, and looking at him, pointing at him. He just looked down, and sighed visibly.

He walked over to me, everyone was still silent. He looked up, and hugged me, before screaming, "THIS IS MY BEST, AND NOW ONLY FRIEND! IF YOU GOT A PROBLEM KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT, AND SUFFER THROUGH IT!"

"America what-?" I couldn't finish my sentence.

"They know, Japan told them, everyone hates me now, so there's no use in hiding that we're friends," He told me, I saw a tear fall down his face.

Man he's been through so much these past few days, he doesn't deserve this! He just lost his mom, he doesn't need to loose all but one of his friends!

I sighed, and hugged him back, seeing as how he never really stopped hugging me.

"It'll be okay America,"

He pulled away, smiled, and said, "No, no it won't," and then he walked off.

I smiled, a sad smile and walked off to homeroom.

Time skip to lunch.

America, and I sat together, and no one else sat at our table.

Everyone was talking about us, but one thing made my eye twitch in anger.

"Omg, they're such f*gs!" Some basic bitch said. 

She was sitting really close to us though.

I stood up suddenly, scaring everyone, even America flinched.

I quickly said, "Excuse me bitch?!" and looked at her friend group.

"U-um, I di-didn't say a-nything, s-sorry," She stuttered.

"That's what I fucking thought."

I sat down, and America thanked me. I smiled.

"You really don't have to be so aggressive towards everyone though," I stated.

"Hey, she needed to learn her lesson."

"Okay, true, but still."

"You know I'd never hurt you though, right?" I asked.

"Of course. I only flinched when you stood up, because you got up so fast, that's all."

"Good, because I never would," I said.

He laughed, and I blushed a little.

That laugh, he has the best laugh. It's so beautiful, I wanna make him laugh all the time. I wanna make him smile, and laugh, and feel good! I wanna make him happy, I wanna make him not wanna hurt himself. I just want him happy. 

Wait is this how friends think of each other, or do I have a crush on him?  I've never had a crush before, fuck, this is confusing...

"Russia!" I was snapped out of my thoughts by America saying that.

"I just wanted to ask why you called me 'Meri' over the phone yesterday..." He wondered aloud.

"It just slipped out, that's all..." I replied.

"Oh, okay, I just wanted to know," he smiled as he said that.

I smiled too.

The bell rang, and we threw out our barely eaten lunches, before making our ways to our next class.

time skip to after school

We parted ways because we had to pick up our little siblings from school.

America's pov:

I was really hoping dad didn't hear about me hanging out with Russia at school, but then I realized that Canada hates me too now, so there's no reason he wouldn't tell.

I walked home with Kiwi holding my hand, and dad was in the living room, looking like he always did when he was about to smack the shit out of me.

"Kiwi,go to your room." Dad said.

I stood in front of my father, and sighed.

"So, I assume you've heard."

"Yes, I have."


"Well, what!? You hang out with all of your friends, and then suddenly you're hanging out with Russia! Then you're friends dump you, and so does your girlfriend! And I don't blame them! Then Canada also tells me you're gay! What kind of son did I raise?!" He scolded me.

"Is that all?" I asked.


He stood up, and first punched me in the eye. There was going to be a mark there. He hit me in the stomach next, causing me to clutch my stomach, and fall down. He laughed, and kicked me multiple times. He was laughing while he did it.

"Your mother would hate you for this!" He said.

Wow dad, low blow. That came way too soon.

I began to cry, and dad only kept going. When he finally stopped I stood up, dad had already left the room. It hurt to stand, man did it hurt. 

There was one thing I was sure of though, my razor would be of use tonight.

737 words

Okay, I made two chapters in two days! Yeet! (okay that was cringy af, sorry)

Okay, so wattpad's doing this weird thing for me that I can't see the new rusame stories, only the 'hot' ones, and they're the 'hot' ones from when I started being into country humans, not the new 'hot' stories, so... anyone know how to fix this? (And yes, I tried turning it on, and off again.)

I love you all so much, thank you for reading, and I hope you have an amazing day, night, or whenever you're reading this! Love you!

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