Hospital Trip

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WARNING: This chapter involves character death. If you're not comfortable with this, please skip this chapter, thank you.

We were in the car, and it was still dark out, but the hospital was far, so we had to leave early.

Kiwi was passed out in the back seat. I sat next to him, because there's no way in hell I'd just sit with my dad, even at a time like this. We were silent, and i was happy it was that way. Well, I can't honestly say I was happy through this, there's no way I was happy. I just mean it was something I couldn't complain about.

I pulled out my phone, and went onto tik tok, shoving in my air pods as well. Yeah, I had air pods. I was rich! What do you expect? I checked my messages and found out that for some reason Japan had the need to text me seven times.


Answer me!




I'm worried sick.

I'm at ur house, where are you?!

I'm in the car, heading to the
hospital Japan

What happened?

My biological mom is dying, 
now leave me alone.

I exited that tab, and hoped she wouldn't text me anymore. I mean she did, but I hoped. I silenced my phone, and turned it off, taking out my air pods with a sigh.

I couldn't believe this, I mean I knew it was going to happen some day, everyone dies, but I just felt like it was all me fault. I never understood why all these things had to happen in my life. I mean, I knew other counties parents died too, and most of them were much closer to their parents than I am to mom. I knew that, but that didn't stop my pity from creeping up on me.

After an eternity of time we made it to the place where my mother was to die. I looked down as I walked. No one would see my ugly face when I was that close to loosing my mask that covers my emotions.

We walked into the waiting room, and my father asked receptionist where my mother was.

"Room 246, on the left on the second floor," She replied after reviewing some paperwork.

I followed my dad into the elevator, and he hit the button for floor two. We were silent. There was nothing to say that we weren't already thinking.

We got out of the elevator, and went to room two-forty-six. When I opened that door I found my mother, she looked like she was happy, but she didn't look good physically speaking. (Not saying she as ugly, I mean she didn't look like herself.)

Her eyes widened when she saw me, and she smiled wide.

"America!" She yelled with surprise.

"M-mommy," I stuttered, starting to tear up I ran over to her, and hugged her as tight as I could without hurting her.

"Oh, how I've missed you my son!" She exclaimed, before looking at Kiwi and asking, "And who might this be?"

"That's Kiwi, he's my youngest brother, and he's always wanted to meet you," I explained.

Kiwi walked up to her, I could tell he was nervous, but he smiled and said, "Hi!"

"Hello, America has told me lots about you," Mom said, still wearing a smile.

Kiwi smiled back. 

Mom then looked at dad, and suddenly had a serious face on, "Britain, I would say it's nice to see you, but I'd be lying."

I gulped, and pulled Kiwi closer to me.

"Mom, can we not argue?" I asked. Her faced softened, and she nodded.

We talked until Kiwi fell asleep. It was nice.

I then asked something hard for me to ask, but  did it anyway.

"Mom, how much longer?" Tears began to fill my eyes again.

She still smiled though.

"Until tomorrow the doctors say," I gasped, but she just said, "Shh, son my life was not splendid, but it was a life, and it wasn't as bad as it could have been. I'll pass knowing I gave birth to the most wonderful son I could ever ask for. Trust me, my son, I'll love you forever. Don't ever forget that. Okay?"

"I l-love you m-mom!" I replied with tears still gushing down my face.

She had tears pricking her eyes, but I was crying so hard it must have looked like water falls were coming out of my eyes.

Then the worst thing the could have possibly happened happened. The heart monitor got slower, and slower, until it went flat.

I gasped, and my dad quickly ran to press the button that alerts the doctors when something's wrong.

I held my mother's hand, and cried.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!" I yelled.

The doctors came in with a defibrillator, and told me to stand back. I did as they said. They shocked her three times, but there was no response. She was gone.

I cried, man did I cry.

I was crying when I got into the car, and Kiwi, was somehow still asleep after all of that. It was for the best.

I cried so hard I fell asleep myself. 

Safe to say, it was the worst of may bed days, It was the worst day I'd ever experienced, and hopefully I wouldn't see it happen ever again.

846 words.

Guys, I'm already at 300 words! *Fangirl screech* I love you all so much, and I hope to see you in the next chapter!

This chapter had not RusAme in it, I know, but it's just here to further the plot.

I just want to say that I'm so, so grateful for all of the support I've been getting. It's crazy I wasn't even sure this would get 10 views, not to mention 311!

The next part is just my personal life, so you're welcome to skip.
So I had a really bad day today. I couldn't sit with my gf at lunch, my lunch was disgusting, but worst of all, I had to watch this thing called, "Cyber Bully" which involves a girl attempting suicide, and I was about to cry, because I had been through all that pain before. My health teacher thought it was just okay to let the past suicidal kid, who he most likely knew was suicidal in her past watch that. But, lemme tell you, all of this support, has been helping me a lot, and it made my day. When I saw that, I felt so much better about all the school stuff. Thank you! You all truly are one of my main reasons to live right now. 

I love you all, and I hope you're having an amazing day, night, or whenever you're reading this!

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