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Hey today I'm going to tell you all you're in a horrible fandom!

Before you skip I need you to know that I'm not trying to insult you. I'm trying to teach you about all of this shit so we can prevent it in the future! I really feel like it is possible to make this fandom more wholesome!

Let's start with what I find to be the most important thing that was listed in the video. This fandom is prone to sexualize countries. Now I think all fandoms should have the right to read/write/draw about what they want, but this fandom took it too far! I saw this, and tried to ignore it, but now I need people to know what you're actually doing! Here we have a fandom that makes Nazi Germany seem like someone you'd want to fuck?! No, that the USSR would want to fuck?! What the hell guys?! Nazi Germany, and the Soviet Union were horrible things that happened to our planet, and Stalin killed millions, so did Hitler! So why do you want to make these atrocities seem like humans that would fuck each other?! Because they both were bad? THAT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE! I used to have a general rule about my judgement on shipping, "It's fine as long as their not real people". But now I'm changing my rule. 

Also did it occur to you that maybe this is offensive to people? Like, most people in this fandom don't really give a shit about the actual Germany, their too busy thinking about fucking Nazi Germany to care about the Germany we have today. Also if you're reading this, and you now want to change, but you don't know how, I suggest that every time you think of Nazi and USSR being gay together just think of Hitler and Stalin being gay together. 

Thank you, and I will still be writing this, but I'll never mention USSR or Nazi Germany again, thank you, I love you, and goodnight.

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