Abbi Of Kong

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*2 months later*

I walked into the dojo to see Eddie,Milton and Jerry."Uh,What are you guys doing?"I asked."Petting my gasy lizard."Jerry said smirking."Sounds about right."I said.''Alright Abbi it's Wednesday.Time to get our spar on."Milton said walking onto the mats."Milton,We need to talk."I said walking up to him."I don't think we should spar with each other."I said."Is it something I did?"He asked worried."No,no,no!You're great!It's not you,It's me."I said."There's someone else?Isn't?Please don't tell me you've sparred with him on our mats."Milton said,I turned away."I'VE BEEN SUCH A FOOL!"Milton yelled then threw his helmet and walked into the boys bathroom."Just down at the arcade.What was I doing there?Only becoming the #1 Immortal Slayer player in the world."Jack told me."Wow babe,Spending thousands of hours in the dark with nerds really paid off."I said while hugging him."Sure did!I won a really cool glow in the dark t-shirt."He said then looked at his shirt from inside his jacket."Jack,I'm tired of sparing with Milton.I mean you're the only other Black Belt in this dojo."I said."Really?I don't think that's a great idea."Jack said,I could tell he thinks he's gonna hurt me."Come on,Jack.I know you're not gonna hurt me."I said tugging on him.He then took off his shoes and walked onto the mats with me.

Once everyone got back we got ready and Rudy was filming us."Remember Jack,Give me everything you got."I said."Abbi,Are you sure you wanna do this?"He asked,I threw a punch and he caught it."Okay."He said.We fought for about five minutes until I finally flipped him."Oh,She just flipped you like a pancake.'Rudy said."Yes!I took you down!Down to the ground!"I said happliy."I gotta give it to you babe,You're better than me."He said then gave me a quick kiss.I smiled then ran into the girls bathroom.

*Next day.*

I was still bragging on how I bet Jack yesterday."Yeah."Jerry said with a high pitched voice."What was that?"I asked him."What?"He asked with a high pitched voice again."When your voice goes up high like that,It means you're hiding something.Everybody knows that."I said."Don't they Eddie?"I asked him smirking."Why  are you dragging me into this?"He asked in a high pitched voice."Jerry,What's going on?"I asked."Noth-"He half said then I drug him up from his ear."Alright,Alright!Jack threw the match."Jerry told me."He winked at us like this."He said then showed me"Which is guy talk for 'I let her win.'."He told me."Really?"I asked."Just wait til I get my hands on that little winker."I said."Where is he?"I asked clearly pissed off."I don't kn-Really Jerry."He said to himself."He's at the arcade."He told me.I then quickly ran off towards the arcade.

"JACK!JACK!JACK!"Everyone was chanting.I stood there watching him play his game,I'll admit he's good but still I have to remember what he did to me.Once he was finished he saw me and ran up to me."Hey babe.''He said then tried to hug me,I pushed him away."Quick question for you 'babe'."I said popping out the word babe."When we sparred this morning,Did you let me win?"I asked him."What?"He asked me in a high pitched voice."I knew it!I knew you wouldn't have enough respect to fight me for real!"I said."Why the hell did you hold back?"I asked him."Well,I'mma."He said pointing to himself."And you're a-""Oh wow,A girl!"I said finishing for him."Get up here Thrasher!"I heard a guy say looking at Jack."Owner of the game company,Needs me.Gotta go."He said then quickly went towards the guy.I couldn't help it,I started to cry then quickly ran out of the aracde.I'm gonna get him back,hard.

*4 days later*

I was in the aracde playing 'Immortal Slayer'.Yeah,This is my way of getting back at Jack.I dyed my hair a different color last night and Jack hasn't seen it so he doesn't where I am.I then heard Jack's voice.I smiled when the match ended then turned around to see Jack."Abbi?"Jack said."Oh,Hi Jack."I said moving my freshly new dyed black hair then winked at him.

*Next day,At School*

"I know what this is about,This is about me letting you win when we sparred."Jack said."That's excatly what's it's about.I mean I said I wanted a fair fight so this is my only way to get it."I told him.I moved away from my locker so he could get to his."That match is gonna be showen online,You're gonna embaress yourself."He told me,I felt really offended."It sounds like you're scared."I told him,my arms crossed over my chest."What!You want a fight were I don't hold back!Well,You're gonna get it!"He kinda yelled at me."Good!Cause that's excatly what I want!"I yelled back at him."Fine!"We both yelled at each other.We then slammed our lockers together,But I realised I forgot my book.I quickly got it and slammed it shut again.

*Next Day,At The Arcade*

I was at arcade with the game owner and Jack on the other side of him."Jack why don't you tell everyone what your stragey is."The guy said.Jack then said something,I didn't really care."I'm just gonna rip his skull off and soccer kick it off the roof."I said rasing an eyebrow and smirking.Jack got close to me."You wanna do this right now?"Jack asked me."I really wanna do this right now."I said then we finally got into a big fight until someone had to drag me away from him.

A couple minutes later,It was time for the fight and once it started I don't think it will end.But,Jack won.I was kinda upset but happy for him.I kinda heard the conversation between Jack and that guy,apperently he wanted Jack to  throw the fight."I don't believe it.He wanted you to throw the fight."I said walking up to him."Yeah,But I wasn't gonna make that mistake again."He said."Well,I'm happy.It's not everyday a girl gets to see her guts splatter into a million pieces."So,You're okay that I bet you?"He asked me."It's okay,You gave me your best shot and that's all I ever wanted."I said and hugged him.He then gave me a quick kiss."I love you."He told me."I love you too."I said back.

*Next day*

"Okay Jack since now we're sparring for real,Give me all you got."I said."But I really don't wanna hurt you,Okay?"He said."I know,I love you."I told him."I love you too."He told me.We then got into postion and then ran towards each other,I might not wanna tell you what happened next....

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