Hit The Road Jack

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We walked back into the dojo only to get stopped by Rudy."Hey where have you guys been?Pratice started a half hour ago."He said."Sorry Rudy,It's Wednesday.We voluteered at the nursing home."Jack told him then Rudy mimicked Jack."Get your priority straight people!Tommorow is the Champion Tournament."Rudy said."I think you're bit wild up but we are ready.Abbi's been helping me with my spin back kick."Jack said and I nodded."Yeah,Let's show him Jack."I said then grabbed  board.I held it out and Jack did a spin back kick."That is perfect.You never know who's going to be watching you."Rudy said.

*Next Day,At The Tournament*

I was standing beside Jack trying to comfort him."I'm kind of nervous.This guy I'm going up against hasn't lost in 2 years."Jack told me."Well,He's about to.He doesn't know who he's messing with."I told Jack.After that it was time for the match to start,So Jack got into the ring with that guy.Once the match started Jack was AMAZING and of course,Jack won."Jack you did it!Thatwas amazing!"I said running up to him and kissed him.I then relized we were in front of everyone so I pulled back.You're probably wondering why,Well,My mom's there and she didn't know I was dating Jack so we just shared some weird looks then walked away from each other.We actually didn't want anyone one to know except for the guys but nope I had to just make that mistake.Let'sjust say I was in HUGE trouble that night with my mom.

*Next day at School*

I saw that stupid blonde girl talking to Jack and when she walked off I mimicked her until I was infront of Jack."You really don't like her,Do you?"He asked me."What makes you say that?"I asked him."Hey look!"I said then he turned and I popped the balloon that was in his hand."Late to class,See ya!"I said then kissed his cheek and walked off.

*At the dojo*

I was watching Milton do push ups for some reason,I don't know."Alright everyone bring it in.Jack has an unbelieve announcement."Rudy said and I instaly looked into the direction of Jack."It's a little crazy but I just got offered a scholarship to the Otai Academy."Jack said,I lost my smile."What?"I asked heartbroken.''But the Otai Academy is in Japan."Milton said."Wait,What are you saying Jack?"Eddie asked Jack."I'm moving to Japan."He said with no problem.I felt the tears coming on,I had to wipe them away.I'm gonna have to act strong with a broken heart.

*Next Day*

"I still can't believe I'm moving to Japn,I mean I leave Friday."Jack said."I was just reading about the Otai Academy,The scholarship is for four years."Eddie said."When your coming back.We'll be in collage."I croaked out to Jack."Wow,Your right."Jack said to me.The guys then started to talk about,I started to feel the tears come back."That sound like a great place.I'll catch up with you guys later."I said then walked away crying.I walked all the way home crying.You can't blame me right?I mean I've been with Jack for about 4 months now and It's been amazing even with the ups and downs.I wasn't happy with the black hair so I dyed it purple.I felt so unhappy now.

He was the greatest thing,and now he's just a memory to let go of.

*Next Day at the dojo*

We had this new guy that Jerry,Milton and Eddie found.We praticed our code one more time for him to get it.The gys told him all this bullshit but I ran up to Jack when he reached his locker."Jack,He's just a new guy,No one could replace you."I said,Then Jerry said something that totally ruined the moment."Hey,Abbi!Remember this!"Jack then showed me a photos he had of us kissing from a photo booth."We took this down at the pier."He told me."Oh yeah!I still can't believe you still have those."I said."There's four photos here.I'll take two and you take two."He said and I nodded.He then ripped two of and gave two to me.We then started to laugh at the memories.

*2 days later*

I was kinda refusing to go to the dojo.Jack's text kept piling up and up.We've spent the last two days together making every second last.I walked so slowly towards the mall,I've been regretting to see this day.Once I finally made it,Rudy walked up to me."Hey Abbi,Jack wrote down some of his personal feelings for you,so here."Rudy said handing me a letter."It's okay Jack.I did the samething."I told him handing him the letter."Promise me,You'll read it once you get one the plane."I said to him."I would,I changed my mind,I'm not going."He told me,I felt my heart build itself back up."Give me my letter back."I then said and so did he.We swapped then looked at each other."So what change your mind?"I asked."Oh,I don't know.I thought it might coast too much."Jack said and I kissed him while wrapping my arms around him.I felt him smile and he wrapped his arms around my waist.Once we pulled back,We walked back into the dojo with smile on our faces.

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