Dropping hints (Warning: Starts out happy then sad.Also physical abuse)

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*Abbi's P.O.V.*

I walked into the dojo to see everyone practing."Abbi,You're an hour late."Rudy said when I walked in."I know.I'm really sorry,My father and I had a huge fight."I said then placed my stuff down."Come on Jack.Let's go."I said then got on the mats with Jack.He kept trying to hit me but I always duct.I was able to get behind him so I got him into an arm lock then gave front snap kick and flipped him.He looked like he was in pain."Jack,You okay?"I asked him."No,Not really."He said getting off the mats.He sat down on a bench,I sighed and sat beside him."Jack,What's wrong?"I asked him.''I'm slowly falling in love with someone."Jack told me,I felt my heart sink.''What's her name?"I asked."Can't say.Cause you know her."Jack said,Oh god,He likes Kim."So you like Kim?"I asked him.He shook his head."Then I-""Oh just forget about it.''Jack said cutting me off."Fine."I said getting up."Wait."Jack said getting up with me,"Can I have a hug?"He asked me.I nodded then hugged him.I tried to pull back but Jack kept a firm grip,it then hit me like a car.

Jack likes me.But,Why me?I'm ugly and fat also weird.I could kind of tell that he was dropping hints,I then pulled out of the hug then ran into the girls bathroom of the dojo.I sat on the floor and started crying.I'm so counfused,I feel like there's days that I want to just push Jack against the wall then make out with him and some other days I want to push him far away from me.I know that I like him,but I cannot go out with another guy.Not after my ex,Cameron.He ruined me,Since then I try not to fall in love.I heard a knock on the bathroom door,"Jack,Please go away."I said sobbing."Not until you come out."He said.I sighed and got up.I fixed myself up then walked out and ignored Jack.I put on my shoes then walked out of the dojo.I walked home but when I got into my house I was greeted by my dad."Where do you think you're going?"He asked me,I could smell cheap whiskey."Up to my room."I said then walked past him.

"No the fuck your not."He said then grabbed my arm.I screamed. I felt him throw me against the wall.I saw him take off his belt,He then pulled my shirt up and hit my back with the belt.I screamed in pain,He did it again."Please.Stop."I begged out of breath.I felt him beat my back five more times.I also felt blood drip down my back. He then grabbed my legs and pulled me upstairs.He dragged me into my bedroom then laid me on my bed.He took one of my books and smacked me in the face with it,After that he slapped me and punched me in the face."Get yourself cleaned up,You freak."He said then walked out of my room.I got off my bed then crawled into my bathroom.I showered then changed into a long sleeve T-shirt and cloth shorts.I walked out of my bathroom into my room and grabbed my phone.

Probabl ywon't be able to make it to practice tomorrow.
I texted Jack.I felt my phone buzz a minute later.
Why not? :(

Because I have to go to family reunion tomorrow.
I texted him back lying.

That's okay.See you at school tomorrow. <3

See you tomorrow. <3
I texted back to Jack.I lied to him again,I won't even see him at school because I'm going to ignore him.Not in a bad way,I just don't want to explain the bruises on my face.I placed my phone on my nightstand then laid in my bed.I fell fast asleep with the thought of tomorrow.

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