Passing Punishments

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That good moment might help Naruto get through the this without killing someone ... might ...


8:36 am ...

Four genin waited at the meeting place for the senseis so they could finish they test.

"They said training ground 7 at 8:00, right?" A perplexed Natsu asked.

Naruto sighed, "Yes they did, but they already showed us that they have punctuality issues ... here." A box of food appeared and he handed it to Natsu.

The smaller orange haired twin felt his stomach growl, "but Kakashi-sensel said-"

"Technically he suggested not to eat. He didn't order us not to and even if he did why would you listen to someone who makes such a stupid request? Don't eat? We need energy so eating is necessary ... and you know, he isn't our sensei until we pass so eat up."

Natsu smiled, his brother was right so he opened the box revealing several tasty delicacies, "Wow, did you make all this?"

"Yep ... are you guys going to eat or what?" The ROOT agent asked the pinkette and the Uchiha. Sakura and Sasuke looked at the food hungrily, but they decided not to risk it even if what Naruto said made perfect sense.

Over one hour later, 9:54 am ...

*poof* The boneheads- I mean senseis arrived.

Kushina grinned, "Alright, let's get this test-... umm guys?"

None of the soon to be genin even bothered looking up from their card game.

"Yes, I win!" yelled Natsu.

Sakura smiled, "Your lucky! That's the second time now ... hey, we're out of snacks." She said as she looked into the now empty basket Naruto brought. Sakura and Sasuke gave up 30 minutes ago and started eating too.

Kakashi sweat dropped, "Hey guys, the test ..."

Naruto raised an eyebrow, "When did you guys get here?"

Kushina pouted, "Can we start the test now?"

The genin stood up and the stuff disappeared into one of the many seals in Naruto's jacket making Kakashi raise an eyebrow, (He likes using seals? Wonder when that started and who taught him?) He thought. "Ok, all you have to do in order to pass is take one of the three bells on my belt."

"There's only three bells. What happens if we don't get one?" The pinky asked.

"Then you get sent back to the academy ... begin!" Kushina yelled in a cheery voice. Three ninja vanished into the forest, while Naruto laid down on the ground. Kushina blinked, "Umm ... Naruto, the test."

Naruto looked at them through the black lenses of his goggles, "Don't worry about me. Failing will be in my best interest. After all, I don't like my senseis and I can't stand Duckass and Pinky."

Kakashi and Kushina winced, "but what about Natsu?" The redhead asked.

"I know he'd understand." The blonde shrugged, but then he turned to Kakashi and stared creepily, "Uncanny." He got up and seemed to inspect the jonin.

The silver haired nin blinked and backed away from the blonde, "What is?"

Naruto glanced at the jonin, Kakashi was hiding it well, but Naruto could tell he was nervous, "Your resemblance to that anbu I mentioned the other day ... oh well, with the punishments starting today I guess it doesn't matter."

Kakashi raised an eyebrow, "Punishments?"

Kushina smiled, "Minato is punishing everyone who hurt Naruto by having everyone's memories searched and then suffer what they did to Naruto-cha-"

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