Spark of Realization

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"That's for another time." Naruto noticed Sasuke following after them trying to be sneaky and filed it away as another thing to clear up, but first he had to meet his Opa to turn in some reports ...


"Ugh ... what happened?" Karin mumbled as she slowly sat up and glanced at Mito in the hospital bed next to her.

Mito groaned, "I don't know- ... YOU!" She snapped as she spotted Natsu sitting across from them. Both girls attempted to jump off the beds and dive for their orange haired brother. They had every intention of beating their younger brother who looked far too calm and smug right now, but neither made it off the bed ...

"BOTH OF YOU SIT DOWN!" Both women froze and instinctively sat back down at the authoritative voice, but they didn't see where it came from until Naruto walked out of seemingly nowhere.

"Naruto? What are you doing here?" Mito shook her head and shot Natsu a glare. "He embarrassed us in front of two-"

Naruto shrugged, "So?"

Karin huffed, "He made our clothes disappear in front of two men!"

"And you think being naked in front of the people you fight and survive with is embarrassing? Modestly holds value over the hardships ninjas face? Do either of you know how many ninjas, men and women, are tortured, killed or raped every year?" Naruto sighed as he was gifted with blank looks. They didn't seem to realize the down sides to the ninja profession. "So that's a no ... 120 ninjas every year on average. Many are genins, chunins. and yes, jonins."

"What does that have to do-"

Natsu rolled his eyes, "Mito think. Naruto and I came up with this plan to get a point across. You both completed an academy level with great difficulty. Do you really think you should be two ranks higher than genin who have already had their first kill?"

"We earned our rank!" Karin snapped.

"How? Did you take the chunin or jonin exams?" Naruto asked calmly.

Mito blinked, "Err ... well no."

"Did you complete the necessary requirement of 200 missions to take the chunin exam?" asked the ROOT agent.

The girls jaws dropped, "200!"

"And that would be another no. So why do you honestly believe you deserve the rank you were given when everyone else is going by the book?" Naruto leaned against the bed Karin was in and watched the to females flounder for an answer.

"Be-because ... our father gave-"

Naruto held up a hand forcing Mito to stay quiet, "Yes, your father. The man who is perfect and can do no wrong ... do try to keep in mind who you're speaking to. After all, there is a reason I consider only two Namikazes family." Both girls flinched. "Minato is human. He makes mistakes as he has proven. Now I'm not saying you're weak. You're both jonin level in strength and speed, but how the hell can you expect to get to the fight when you can barely hunt? Also keep in mind that Natsu easily tracked you down, stole your things, tied you up, applied seals on your clothes, stripped you ... a true enemy could have drugged, raped and slashed your throat before you even woke-"

"STOP ... please stop!" Karin clapped her hands over her ears and started sobbing. Mito simple looked lost and confused.

Mito suddenly put up one last defiant glare, "Our father wouldn't-ahh!" In a blur Naruto shoved Mito back on the bed. In one fluid movement her panties were removed and she was flipped onto her hands and knees. She felt herself being pinned easily and Naruto's pants against her exposed backside.

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