Ch. 5

183 8 6

Published on: 5/6/19

Next one is coming up on 5/16 so keep waiting. I love you guys!

Sasuke POV

Right now, Team Hebi and I are going after the lead we got of where Itachi might be. It has been three weeks since I last saw Hinata and read that note. Tonight I had to go to the hideout and give the notes and map to Kimi. But since I still have a full day, then I can go and find Itachi. I remember when we first got our lead that Hidan and Kakuzu were dead so now six Akatsuki members are left out of ten. I knew what Kimi was planning but I didn't know when she was going to finish it. We were passing through a forest right now and there was someone in front of us. He looked like Zabuza but not that much. I made it past him but the others didn't. I ran to a mountain bass where I knew Itachi was. I went into a cave that was near and I looked for him "Itachi! Come out, I know you're here!" I yelled and he showed himself. I activated my Chidori and went after him. I was about to stab him through went at the last minute I let it go and hugged him tightly. He was shocked, to say the least. He let go of the genjutsu and hugged me back. I heard him chuckle "Kimi told you the truth, huh? I told her not to. Sasuke, please don't go after the village..." I didn't let him finish "Don't worry, I won't. Kimi told me how the village had nothing to do with this and it was Danzo's fault. She killed him already so we can go home. We'll talk to Tsunade. Please niisan, let's go home." I asked him and he poked my forehead. "I'm dying Sasuke, even if you don't kill me then this disease will," he said. Before I said anything someone showed up behind us. "Itachi, Sasuke! I can help." I turned around and saw Kimi there with Hinata.

"Itachi, I can heal you along with Hinata. You can come back home, I talked to Tsunade and she agreed and trust me that we both almost killed those stupid elders but we didn't so they're fine," she said while laughing a bit. I turned around to look at Hinata. She didn't have her jacket on her, I know Hinata hates not wearing her jacket so something must have happened. "Hinata what happened to your jacket?" I asked her and she blushed and looked down. "W-well, on the way here we ran some shinobi and one of them burned my jacket. So I'm stuck without one until I get home," she said and I growled. I took off my cloak and placed it around her. I could tell that Kimi and Itachi-nii were smirking but I didn't care. My hime will not be walking around like that so people could stare at her and try to take her. "It's alright Sasuke, you don't have to..." "Yes, I do," I said and finished putting my cloak around her. "Alright then, Hinata come here and help me heal Itachi's eyes," Kimi said and Hina went. 

Kimi POV

I asked Hinata to help me and she did. "Itachi, I need you to activate your Mangekyo Sharingan and keep it activated no matter what," I said and he nodded. He activated his Sharingan and we got to work. We surrounded one of our hands with chakra and formed it into a needle. "This is gonna hurt," I said and we pushed our needles into his head to next to eyes and started releasing the pent up chakra and healing the passageways. It took us both five hours to finish, once we did Hinata and I fell to the ground. Itachi caught me while Sasuke caught Hinata. "Thanks," I said and he nodded. I healed my self and so did Hinata. "When we get home, I have a surprise for both of you," I said to them and they nodded. We walked back to Kisame and the others. "Kisame where's Neko?" I asked him and he just sighed "She's with Pain and Konan," he answered and I nodded. "You coming with us Kisame? I can get you a  place in Konoha if you want," I said as he thought about it. After a few minutes, he nodded "Sure, I don't see why not," he said and I smiled. I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back "I'm sorry about Neko," he said and I nodded "It's alright, I forgive you." I let go of him and we went on our way. Team Hebi was following us since they come with Sasuke, Itachi and Kisame are at the back, Hinata is next to Sasuke and I'm at the front of the group. Once we got to a clearing that is hidden well enough, we all stopped. "Alright everyone, grab a hold of me and whoever can't touch me then hold on to someone who is," I said and left my mark on a nearby tree just in case someone gets left behind. Kisame and Itachi held my hands and Hinata and Sasuke grabbed my arms, everyone else grabbed onto one of those four and we were off. I flash-stepped right into Tsunade's office. I knew it was empty because if it wasn't I would have automatically been sent to the back of the tower. "Hello Kimi, I see you brought guests. Care to explain?" auntie Tsunade said and I nodded. I signal for everyone to take a seat on the floor or on the chairs and they nodded. I looked at Aunty "Who would you like to start with?" I asked and she pointed to Team Hebi "Ok so, this is Sasuke's new team. They follow him everywhere. When I told Sasuke the truth about the Uchiha massacre he decided to not kill Itachi but to find him and bring him back home. Sasuke has also decided to stay here with his brother and his team. So if possible, they would like a place here as well," she nodded and looked at Sasuke. "Team Hebi, stand up and introduce yourselves. Include your specialty." I said to them and they nodded. Sasuke went first "Sasuke Uchiha, I'm good at ninjutsu and taijutsu," then the fish "Suigetsu Hozuki, good at water style because of my clan and kenjutsu," next was the Uzumaki "Karin Uzumaki, one of the last of my clan. I specialize in healing and my clan's secret chakra chains. I'm a sensory ninja; I can use water, earth, yin, and yang style, and I'm also the team's strategist," I was quite impressed. Sasuke really put a lot of work into this team. "I'm Jugo, I can communicate and understand animals, I'm good on earth, water, wind, and yang style, and sage transformation," I was really impressed with Sasuke's choice for a team. I looked at Auntie and she nodded "Alright, your crimes will be pardoned after your punishment. I will talk with Kimi about where to put you in this village and we will also discuss if we should allow you guys to stay as a team. Kimi, take them to Ibiki. He is not to touch them nor interrogate them. Just keep them there." I nodded and took hold of them. I flash-stepped into the torture division and asked of a cell. They lead me to one and I told team Hebi to go in.

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