Chapter 1

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"Annah!" I popped my head up off my pillow , startled by my auntie screaming my name. I glanced over at the clock to check the time. 3:08 am . I sighed and got out my bed rushing downstairs. "Annah!" "I'm right here." I said aggrivated rubbing my hand down my face. "Whats this?" I opened my eyes all the way to look at her as she tossed a half smoked swisher on the coffee table. "It's a swisher Kila." "I found this in my ash tray. Which means this is the what? Second time I found this shit in my house. I told you next time you fucked up then you out. Am I wrong!?" I sighed and shook my head slightly sliding my hands into my sweatpants pockets. "I can't stand you sometimes why do you have to act like this hum? Wanna move back with ya mama?" "No." "You sure actin like it. I can't deal with you fuckin up to life all the time I'm just-" "Kila can you really just save it right now!? You act like your daughters are the perfect ducking saints and if only you knew the half of what they do then you would shut the fuck up About me and get on then! Why you gotta be a bitch all the time all it was were a couple of blunts and you acting like it's crack I'm 18 years old chill!" I looked at her finall and she was turning red and her face was full of anger. "Get the he'll out now before insatiable something I regret." "What? What you gotta say Kila!? Say what you gotta say!" "Dont tempt me get out!" "I j-" "GET THE FUCK OUT!" I stood there for a second frozen in my spot until I heard my cousin Marli voice behind me. "Mama why you tellin what's goin on? Annah you aright?" I turned around and pushed passed her and ran back upstairs. I rushed back into my room and slammed the door. I turned on my light and contemplated on what to do which caused me to pull out my suitcases and start packing my clothes as fast as I could. I knew this day was coming but not before my graduation day. I actually thought that she would kick me out for something worse than that but it is what it is. She sets bad examples for everyone so she need to stop trying to change me. Period.

So my name is Annah Simani Smith. I've lived in Atlanta all my life and I mainly been living with my auntie Kila for 4 years since indent through a bad spell with my mother there fore I had enough and left. Me being stupid and thinking it was all peaches and cream over here made me look real dumb when I ended up actually living in the eye of the tornado everyday. After about 3 months of hell I finally wanted to live with my grandmother but she ended up getting really sick and went to live with my uncle Dale and he never liked my mother which meant I'm not going around anywhere around there because he not liking my mother gave me bad ties with him as well. Only because he thinks I'm a bad seed and he doenst want to run off on his kids. Yea crazy right?

Anyway not to tell you my whole life story but I turned 18 last month and since then Kila been waiting for me to mess up . Now that I fulfilled her wants I'm out this bitch.

Once I was done packing my few suitcases I grabbed my phone off the charger and slid it in my pocket. As I moved my suitcases off my bed a d onto the floor there was a knock at my door. "Yea!?" I said with an attitude. "It's me." I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. "Come in." Marli walked in and sat at the edge of my bed. See out of all my cousins Marli was I one I could see eye to eye to all the time. Even though she is 20 and still living with her mama, but I guess she has a few reasona why.

"Where you gone go?" "Shit I don't know away from here." She sighed and looked away from me. "Well wherever you go...don't set back on coming here... No matter what happens just don't come back." I looked at her strange as I started to pull my suitcases towards my door. "Why you always gotta say some movie type shit like that? It's aint that bad here M." I said in a chuckle. She silently chuckled and looked in her lap. " Well it wasn't that back for you but just seeing the abusive shit you been through by my own mama is fucked up so don't even think about coming back Annah." I opened my door and carefully went down the stairs and to the front door with Marli trailing close behind with my other suitcase. I glanced over at the couch before leaving. Kila was sitting there smoking a cigarette. "What you staring at Annah? Bye!" I shook my head. I turned towards Marli and I kissed her cheek and hugged her. "I'll call you when I can M tell everybody I love them." Kila chimed in "Quit a ting like this some soap opra shit and leave always gotta make a damn scene!" I shook my head. This woman really hate me I just walked out. I put my things in my car and drive off.

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