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Serena jumped out of her car slamming the door, as she walked into the house not saying any words to her siblings and father. She was agitated, but also very confused with the entire outcome, on being imprinted by Paul.

The entire car ride, was suffocating for the two younger siblings since they didn't know if they should talk to her, but then both also remembered, that she had a temper.

One that even puts Paul's anger to shambles.

"Is everything alright?" Billy asked Rachel and Jacob who watched Serena slam the door to her bedroom. Since their house was in the smaller department, the door slamming had caused some of their small decorative vases to shake in vibration.

"Well, physically yes, emotionally and mentally, no" Rachel answered vaguely, not wanting to have Serena storm out of the room angry, at talking about the subject. Jacob had his eyes closed as he leaned on one of the walls, trying to take in the sudden incident.

Serena was pacing inside her room, grumbling quietly trying to process everything," Imprinting" she kept repeating over and over, trying to hope that it was all a strange dream.

Of all people, she had to be the one Paul imprinted on, but then again, when she thought that, it made her somehow a little angry thinking if he had imprinted on someone else.

She let out a frustrated groan, falling to her bed, as she stared at the ceiling, with her nose scrunched up," Now what?" she asked herself. Serena ended up falling asleep soundly, and her dreams had become full of Paul and her, which made her wake-up countless times cursing.

When morning came, Serena had woken up in the worst mood ever, considering how she remembered every dream she had, which never happened in her entire life and the one thing she knew was because of the imprinting.

She got out of bed and knew that the power of it, can be rejected, and there didn't have to be any romantic feelings involved, but the old flame was ignited and it was burning with passion. She was finding herself wanting him, which only resulted in cursing over and over.

There was a soft knock on her door, and it slightly opened revealing Rachel," Hey Sis, so Jake made breakfast, and I was wondering if you'd like to join us- Before Rachel could finish her sentence, she was pulled into the room, with the door closing behind her.

"Rach, what do I do?" Serena asked now revelling to not anger, but to frustration, as she sat on the floor leaning on her bed and Rachel sat next to her.

"Rena, that question is more, what do you want to do?" She said, looking over to Serena who had hugged her knees

"I don't know how to feel about it..." Rachel took a moment, before speaking

"Well, considering the fact that your thinking of an answer, then it's safe to say you don't fully hate what happened"

"What do you mean?" She questioned

Rachel chuckled," Well, for starters, if you rejected him completely, you wouldn't be sitting here asking me what to do, the only advice I can give right now, is to think it through, because, before the imprinting, you two didn't even have the proper closure, so maybe there was never one, to begin with"

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