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It had been the biggest shock, for the Clearwater family, mainly for Sue.

Leah being the first female shape-shifter, that leads to shocking Harry to Cardiac Arrest, then Seth who had been overwhelmed over the situation, phased as well.

As soon as the ambulance arrived, it had been far too late for Harry Clearwater, and he had passed away.

The elders, arrived at the residence, in the sudden tragic loss while Serena kept her tears back keeping herself strong holding Sue in her arms, who was crying her eyes out.

While the Elders gathered, from the faint distant, you could hear the howl of wolves, the cry of mourning and loss.

Serena closed her eyes, as she felt the tears finally filling her eyes, knowing she couldn't hold them back any longer.

The Clearwater family had just gone through so much in the single night.

Seth had shifted back which was very shocking, but it seemed like he was handling the sudden shifting well.

Meanwhile, Leah had run off, Although Serena couldn't blame her since she had so much going on her mind at the moment.

The unbearable idea of having to hear thoughts coming from her ex-fiancé-also knowing that everything in her mind was no longer just for her but the boys as well.

It was a whole knew definition of invasion of privacy.

Seth, he had been outside with Jacob, since he was the closest, and said the rest of the boys will find Leah.

After a while, Sue went to speak with the elders while Serena went outside to Seth and Jacob," Hey Boys" she said quietly as they turned around.

Jacob walked over to his sister hugging her," I didn't even know you were back" Serena returned the hug and stayed in his arms for a while and the siblings pulled away, as she looked at Seth who was still in shock

"He's doing okay" Jacob mumbled into her ear as, with the sudden events of not even being a day back home.

Serena was starting to think, that staying might just be the right choice, but she was still hesitant.

Sue had lost her husband, and both of her children had phased, so that would mean they were going to be busy with the pack, but the main reason, was that the sudden phasing, worried everyone greatly.

Jacob has told Serena that, most of the pack, had phased the current year, and that meant there were a lot of cold ones lurking around. "Jake, it looks like I might be staying longer than I had planned"

Jacob snapped his head to looked at his sister," You were going to leave again?"

Serena gave him a sad smile," Jake, I have nothing here holding me down in La Push"

He furrowed his brows frowning at his sister "You have Rachel, Dad and I"

"I know Jake, but let's not discuss this right now, Sue and Dad need us, okay?" Serena said as she ruffled his hair letting out a sigh

"Right-yeah sure"

She watched her brother walk away, not happy with her not wanting to stay permanently, but she just didn't want to end up remembering all the sad memories that surrounded La Push.

Losing her Mom had been a big role in the reason she left, but the trigger was a certain hot-headed teen.

Serena's pain of losing Paul who had been her lover for many years, because of her saying the three words.

She had watched him run off and didn't see him for months after.

The pair had not properly broken up, but for Serena, that was clear as day, that the relationship, was over from there. They were both far too young, so it was only expected to end that way, or so she presumed.

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