10- the mystery man

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-y/n's pov-

Where could she have gone..? Had someone taken her? It was so late when she stormed out and anything could've happened..Did she go back to her ex's apartment? Are they back together? I wouldn't be surprised.. she's done that before.

I call her again, hoping for an answer..
After a couple seconds, there's she replies.. but it wasn't her speaking. Nor Joshua ..

"Who is this...?" The mysterious person says, in a deep, intimidating voice.

"Where's seulgi?! What have you don't with her?"

"Oh, she's here... but not for long.. meet me at the restaurant you were at with her.. where you saw her last.. but don't even think about bringing anyone, especially not that jungkook person..."

"Fine, as long as i get seulgi back."

"I can't promise anything..."

Before i could say anything, the mystery person hung up. I had my phone on speaker the whole time so jungkook could hear.
How did they know who i or jungkook were?
Where is seulgi?

"What are we going to do?" Asked jungkook.

"I'm not sure, but we're gonna have to make a plan.."

"Let's go back to mine and we can ask namjoon what we should do, he'll know."

"I shouldn't drag you, or them into this"

"Don't worry, we'll work this out together" He said softly, then smiling sweetly.

I smile back as i get my bag and head back to his car. We drive to their apartment and walk up the stairs to the door, and enter.

"Hey!! We wondered where you went.. are you okay? what happened?!" Asked Jin as we walked in, with a concerned look upon his face.

"It's a long story, and we need all of your guys' help, can you get everyone here so we can explain?" Jungkook asked.


After about 2 minutes, everyone had gathered on the sofas.

Both me and JK explained everything, in as much detail as possible.

"So basically, we need your help so I can go meet this mysterious man, and get seulgi back." I finished.

"Hmmm, i've got an idea! So we could drive to the restaurant in our managers car, it has blacked out windows, so a few of us could come, but the mystery man won't see us, just you. So if he tries to do anything, we can get out and help." Said namjoon, with his wise words.

"Yeah, that's a good idea, If he mystery man asks about the car, just say it's a taxi." Said Jimin.

"We should get going, i didn't specify a time to meet..." I said, sounding worried.

"It'll be down y/n, don't worry, we'll protect you if anything happens." Whispered Hoseok in my ear, placing his hand on my shoulder.

We all got in the car and we got their manager to drive, me in the seat next to him. The boys were in the back, with the blacked out windows.
   We arrived at the restaurant and i could see and dodgy looking man standing outside.. could that be him? I got out and thanked the driver and walked over. Just as i was about to approach the man who i assumed was him, he looked up. He was wearing a black mask and sunglasses, and a black hoodie and jeans.

"Soo.. you're here for seulgi, yes?" He said in the same, dark tone as when we called him.

"y-yes" I said with a slight stutter.

"Follow me.." he whispered, grabbing my wrist tight.
I couldn't say much as he dragged me down the same dark alley I was familiar with from the other night.

He took me into this building, dimly lit, similar to the other place I was taken but not quite the same.
I was screaming, hoping the boys would hear and realise I needed help, he threw me into a room which was better lit than the rest of the unclean building. I got up from the ground and looked around to see something that i wasn't expecting..
The whole of bts, and seulgi were tied up and their mouths were taped, they struggled to move and jimin has passed out.
They realised I was there, and attempted to shout more and more. I turned around, the man had gone, so I went round untying each member, and then seulgi, as they all took the tape off of their mouths and we were about to run, we heard the door squeak open..

There was the man, and the sasaengs, and quite a few other very strong looking, bad men.

"I thought this is what you were going to do" spoke the man, chuckling slightly

"RUN" we all shouted and attempted to push through the wall of men at the door, there was punching, kicking, slapping and headlocks all over the room,
Jungkook was doing really well, he had taken out 3 of the people already, and so had Hoseok.
The rest of them, including me and seulgi had done a decent job at taking out the rest. As Taehyung kicked the last one in the stomach and he fell to the ground, we all ran out of the alley, now covered in blood and bruises.
We all got back into the vehicle we came in.

"Holy shit" yoongi managed to say, completely out of breath

"What.. just happened" Namjoon exasperated, wiping the sweat off of his forehead.

——-20 mins later——-

We had all arrived back at the boys house, as Jin offered to make us all food.
Me, jungkook and seulgi went into the spare room, we wanted to try and sort out what just happened, and what we were going to do next.

Seulgi spoke quietly at first, "I.. i have this feeling.. that Joshua did all of this."

Me and Jungkook both looked at her, shocked.
At first it was unbelievable, but after thinking about it, I knew he had some connections with some strange places, that could do stuff like what those people did to us.
We discussed some more about some plans we had, we would ask for the other's
opinions at dinner.

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