3-The airport

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Jungkook grabbed my hand and led me through all the people and outside the station onto the pavement.

"I said I'd meet the boys outside they should be here soon..."

"Thank you so much for everything but I should probably leave and go to the airport as I have to go back to Seoul-"

"You can come with us!" He said (adorably) with such excitement.

"What?" I realised that they were going back to Seoul too.

" come on, we're going the same place!"

" I already have my flight booked though..."

"I can get that changed!"

Just as he said that, 6 boys looking extremely tired and sweaty walked out of the station.

"JUNGKOOKIE!" A shorter man ran towards him and squeezed him in a hug. It was Jimin

" Yay!" Another man with a Gucci headband ran to him and joined in with the embrace. That was V

"at least you didn't die." Said another man flatly said whilst on his phone. That was Suga

"YOU ARE THE CAUSE OF MY EUPHORIA~~~" sang another man whilst doing a little dance. I knew that was jhope

"Are you hungry?" Said another man wearing a pink hoodie and holding out a bag of sweets. That was definitely Jin

"We thought we lost you!" Said the tallest man of the group, sweeping his hair back. It was RM

As they all ran to him they all stopped at the same time and just stared at me.

" damn kookie she cute"
"Where did you find her?"
"Is she hungry? She looks it"
"Did she try to attack you?!"
"Is she a fan?" {A/N NO IM AN AIR CONDITIONER}

"No guys, she my friend, Y/N" he said calmly " she's very nice and considerate"


"She's coming on the plane with us! She lives in Seoul too!"

"What no way!" Said Jimin

"I'm assuming you know who we are?" Questioned Namjoon

I nodded, I loved them and their music so much. Such talent.but...how did I agree to cancel my flight and go with 7 (extremely attractive ) men?

"Let's go before we miss our flight!" Said yoongi, rushing around.

"He's right" said the leader, looking at his watch.

"Come on Y/N!"

I picked up my backpack and suitcase up and pulled it along the road to the airport which was only a 15 minute walk away. Along the way, we chatted about random things such as their new comeback and how they've never really made friends with a girl. lol


I couldn't believe it! She actually agreed. I thought she would be like 'hell nah random boy!' She seems super kind and rather interesting. She doesn't seem as shy as earlier.


We eventually got to the airport and yet again loads of paparazzi and overwhelming fans. We kept Y/N covered so (we hope) no one would see her and get some kind of 'ideas'. They always twist the stories.


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