11- i've got something to tell you...

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We all sat in the living room, eating. Me and jungkook had finished, so we both went into the kitchen to put our plates and cutlery away. He turned around, and looked me in the eyes

"Hey, y/n, can i- i.. talk to you? in ..my room?"

"yeah sure" I said, not sure what he wanted to talk to me about. Maybe more planning about what we're going to do?

We walked through the living room.

"Me and y/n are just going to talk about and plan what we're going to do about the whole situation that's going on, we won't be long" he said to everyone, smiling. Whilst we both walked towards his room i couldn't help but notice Jimin, staring at us with all i could say was jealously in his eyes, but i brushed it off, he could've just been tired. After everything that had happened.
{in jungkooks room}

Jungkook sat on his head, and patted the place next to him, so i sat there, not too close but not so far so it wasn't awkward.

"So y/n, i kinda have something i should tell you, but i don't know if i want to, and i've been planning it, and i'm scared as to how you will react an-"

"Jungkook! just tell me" I say, laughing a little.

"Okay.. so i. like you.. like.. a lot..
Ever since we sat together on the train, and and on the plane, and just i've i've grown these feelings for you, and i didn't know if i liked you like that at first.. but i think i do now" he said, his face turning red, as he looked down and scratched the back of his neck.

"you.. you like me? like- like me?" I said, having no idea how to react whatsoever.

"Yeah.. sorry if this makes things awkward"

"Well,, kook, i think i like you t-"

Before i could finish my sentence jungkook placed his soft lips on mine, it just felt so right?
He took his face away, and we bother just stared into each others eyes, i admired his innocent, adorable eyes, they were lovely"

After about 10 seconds, we just burst out laughing.

"I can't believe it though, i thought you would never like me back and, you just thought i was a crazy fan or something." i said, just in utter disbelief that we likes me back.

"So- y/n, do you want to be my.. m- my.., m- my,, g- girlfriend..? He said, he could barely get the words out and it was a adorable.
Before i could reply i just, went in and hugged him, tight, he hugged back and i never wanted to let go.. i nuzzled my face into his shoulder and just said
"of course"
After a while we let go, and then faced a problem.
in the living room}
(this happened whilst jk+y/n were talking)
"Joon, can i talk to you.. in private" Said Jimin, with a slightly uneasy tone.
"Yeah sure dude, in my room?"
Jimin nodded and they got up and left to go into Namjoon's bedroom.
{jimin and namjoons room}
"What do you need jimin?"
"So i think jungkook likes y/n.. and i would be fine with it.. but

"You like y/n?"

"Hyung.. now did you know?"

"It's pretty obvious jimin" said Namjoon, laughing a bit.

"hOW??" said jimin, shocked that he had made his feelings obvious.

"The way you look at her, it's not like any of the other boys look at her, you admire her, i do have to admit she is pretty, i understand you feelings towards her, but i have a feeling Jungkooks already taken her.."

"W-what?" Said jimin, tearing up slightly.

{namjoons pov}

"W-what?" Said jimin, tearing up slightly.
I had known for a while that jungkook was planning to confess to y/n, in my opinion, they were perfect for eachother
I felt genuinely sorry for jimin though, he had true feelings towards y/n, and i know what it feels like to have your heart broken like that..
"You know when Jungkook took y/n into his room..? it wasn't to discuss what was happening, he is going to confess to her, i'm sorry jimin" I said, pulling him into a hug, it's really all i could do to support him right now, i really do know how it feels.
{back in the living room, with seulgi, hoseok, jin, tae and yoongi} (same time as jimin-namjoon)

"I really do ship jungkook and y/n, but i do get the feeling that jimin really likes y/n.." said hoseok, with a concerned face.

"Yeah, i have a feeling jungkook is confessing to jungkook, and that's why they went to his room. If jimin does really like y/n, then he's gonna be crushed if jungkook and y/n are together"  said jin

"hmm, but i feel jungkook and y/n are meant for eachother, but jimin and y/n should stay as friends, for some reason i can't imagine them together" said yoongi, who hadn't spoke much today at all.

"I know y/n quite well, through living with her and stuff, she isn't the type to fall for anyone like i think he fell for jungkook, she really really likes him." said seulgi.

(seulgi texting y/n)
y/n: seulgi,, i think i like jungkook, like, a lot but i'm not sure he likes me 😔
seulgi: omg no way! you two would acc make such a good couple
y/n: you think so?
seulgi: yeah! you should confess ;))
y/n: i was considering it, but i'm not sure
seulgi: just go for it sis!!

end of flashback..

Just ask taehyung was about to talk, Namjoon and jimin came back, jimin eyes were slightly red and puffy, he had been crying and you could tell.
Jimin sat down next to Tae, and Namjoon went to Jungkooks room, and knocked on the door

"come in, who is it?" said jungkook

"just me" said namjoon as he opened the door, and sat down.

y/n's pov

Namjoon came in and sat down next to jungkook on the bed, and whispered something in his ear, then jungkook nodded.

"Sooooo.. you two are a thing now huh" Said namjoon, smirking and attempting to break the awkward silence.

Me and Jungkook just smiled at eachother

"I guess so" said jungkook, with the sweetest grin on his face.

"How are we gonna tell the others..?" i asked.

"i guess we'll just go in there, and tell them" said jungkook.
I was unsure of his plan, but it'll do.

Me, jungkook and namjoon walked into the living room and jungkook just said

"me and y/n are boyfriend and girlfriend!"

everybody cheered! i was so happy they all accepted that me and jungkook were now dating.

jungkooks pov

i was shocked, when they all cheered, them saying that they were happy and proud of us.
the thing i was most shocked by was jimin, he came to me and said
"i'm happy for you, jungkook" with a slight smile.
I knew about his feelings towards y/n, but i'm glad he supported us.

I genuinely can't believe i'm dating her, like.. i knew that she was the one for me as soon as she sat next to me on the train. I've been needing to tell her something though.. i just need to find the right time.

i've been writing this story for a year now!! that seems so crazy to me.. and the fact that people have actually read my stupid story anyway skjdjd
i'm sorry i don't update this often, i forget about it lol
have a nice summer

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