5-their dorm

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Your POV:

You texted your roommate, Seulgi.

Y/N: Hey, I decided I'm gonna stay at a friends house tonight x

Seulgi: what?! Who's gonna make me food?!

Y/N: you can make some or order a Chinese or something?

Seulgi: whatever, who are staying with? Is it a boy?

Y/N: you sound like my mum.

Seulgi: is it?

Y/N: yeah? And,I'm sleeping in their spare room.

Seulgi: their?

Y/N: what? No...I meant his :)

Seulgi: Hmk whatevs don't die

You looked up and smile, showing everyone that you're ready and you all get in a car and a random man is driving.

"Who's car is this?" You ask

"Oh it's our managers and he's driving" Jin said as he ate some chicken that seemed like it came from no where.

How is he always eating?


We all got out the car and we stood opposite a huge house.

"Wow, is this your house?!" I said, open mouthed

"Yeah! We're home! Let's gooooo!" Said tae with his iconic rectangular smile, running to the door with a key.

A ,what i assumed was, a security guard asked their manager something and he just nodded, I assume it was about me. Jungkook grabbed my hand and ran up stairs while everyone else boarded the lift.

"W-why, a-re why -running up t-he s-ta-irs?" I manage to say, out of breath, "I'm so...unfit."

"Awe, do you want me to carry you?" The Maknae looked at me, mockingly as he swiftly picked me up, his strong arms underneath my legs and back.

"Hey! Let me go!"

"Not until we get upstairs"

I looked at him, pouting slightly. He (somehow) ran up the stairs with me in his arms and got there before his hyungs did.

" I could've walked you know?"

"Yeah...but I wanted to beat my hyungs!"

"competitive bunny."

Jungkook just pouted as he looked at me and crossed his arms. Just then, everyone else came in and we all entered the living room.

"So...This is our house!" Said an excited hoseok.

"Cool!" I said, looking around me, impressed.

"Come with me and I'll show you everyone's room and where you'll be sleeping".

"Okay" I said, smiling.

"So this is Jimin hyungs's room, Seokjin hyung's room, Namjoon hyung's room-" he carried on telling me where everyone slept and the bathrooms, then he came to his room. "And my room! And this one is yours!" He pointed at the room next to his and opened the door and you both walk in. You place your bags on the floor and look around. It's quite simply and pleasantly decorated with a couple house plants and plain bedsheets and some random rose gold picture frames. You very much wished that your actual room looked somewhat like this.

"It's really lovely, thank you!"

"It's nothing" Jungkook said, blushing slightly "Should we see what everyone else is doing?"

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