1- trip home

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I had just got onto the crammed train after around an hour of 'excuse me's and 'oops sorry!'s and accidentally knocking and bumping into strangers. I was so exhausted that I didn't care where I sat, wether it be next to a famous Instagram model or a smelly old person I just wanted a break.

If you were wondering, I was going to the airport to fly back to Seoul, SK where I live in a small, simple apartment. I had just visited my family for Easter and my birthday in England. I had so much fun being back home with mum, dad and my sister Ruby. Although I enjoyed it, I was so tired and just wanted to go home to the city. I definitely prefer it there.

I slumped into a seat with only one person sitting there on their phone, totally oblivious to their surroundings. I couldn't see their face as they were facing the window but from what I could see they had dark brown hair and were wearing an oversized White tshirt, blue jeans and timberlands. He looked like he was in his early twenties at the most. But that was all I could get from the back of him and a slight profile view.

I didn't realise how long I must have been staring because the train had started moving and the young man turned around and looked at me, staring me straight into my eyes. I looked away quickly, blushing. His face kept going through my mind and then it hit me, like a truck. I WAS SITTING NEXT TO ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS KPOP IDOLS IN THE WORLD. JEON JUNGKOOK.

It kept rolling on and on throughout my brain and I couldn't help but look up again and he was still staring, with beautiful dark, glittering eyes.

''I'm sorry for staring...its just you're so beautiful..."

I almost stopped breathing but I wanted to stay calm because I know how stressful it must be with all the fans screaming in your face wherever you go. I just take one deep breath and slowly look up,

''T-thank yo-u'' I somehow managed to reply without literally DIEING INSIDE.I smile slightly awkwardly and giggle slightly, he laughs quietly too.

''You're cute when you're shy'' he said smoothly in a soft voice.


Oh my god, the most beautiful person in the entire world just sat next to me. I have no idea how I managed to speak to her nevermind compliment her 2 WHOLE TIMES! I'm usually terrible with women, and annoyingly it always gets caught by the cameras and now it's like a meme.

Anyway, I really don't know how I said that to a stranger, it just felt right
''So...where are you heading?" I proceeded to attempt to create some type of conversation.


Just as I thought all human interaction was over and I could try and breathe again he began to speak.

"Oh I'm just going to the airport so I can fly back home because I've just been visiting my family" I said somehow calmly, as if I had know him for years

"Same me too!.Im going back to SK because I am in a band with 6 others and we are on our tour, the others should be on the other carriage but I decided to go somewhere quieter"

"I know you're in a band" somehow that slipped out and I just covered my mouth and blushed, I sounded like an absolute creep!

"Wait you're a fan? But...you didn't go all crazy and stuff..."

"Yeahhh... I'm an absolutely huge fan of BTS and kpop in general. I just didn't want to make everything more stressful because of your tour and things... I can't imagine how it must feel."

He looked at me in slight amazement, " wow, I really do wish there were more fans as considerate as you..."


I hope you enjoyed this. It's my first ever FF and I'm probably terrible. I will probably make a part two tomorrow because it's the summer holidays and I am a bored potato. Thanks for reading! Saranghae~❤️

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