~How you meet~

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Billy Batson: It was the first day at your brand new school. You groaned, knowing that you would be that one weird new kid. Nevertheless, you ran off the bus in a hurry, trying to get to your first period class without anyone noticing. You ran into someone, receiving a loud "oof" from the person. All your new textbooks instantly dropped to the ground.
"Oh lord, I'm so sorry." You mumbled, trying to pick up all the books.
"It's fine. I'm a klutz too." The person laughed. You looked up at them. He was wearing a brown coat over top a red hoodie, paired with a black beanie.
"Hah," you grinned. "At my old school we aren't allowed to wear beanies. They're 'distracting'." You said as you waved your hands around like a maniac.
"That's stupid. I'm Billy. Billy Batson." He stuck his hand out to shake.
"Oh, hi. I'm Y/N. Y/N L/N." He smiled slightly at the sound of your name.
"I-I'm new here. Do you know how to get to room 164?" He asked, shoving his schedule in your hands.
"Sorry Bill. I'm new too," You said as you gave his schedule back to him. "Luckily, we have chemistry together, so we can get lost together." You chuckled.
"I'd like that. See you 'round Y/N!" He waved to you and walked off.

Freddy Freeman: This had to be the worst day of your life. You bombed your math test, your boyfriend (girlfriend, non binary, etc)broke up with you, and your parents had just told you they were getting divorced. Things couldn't possibly get worse.
It was sixth period, which meant lunch. You gulped. This would be the first time you wouldn't have anywhere to sit since you could no longer sit with your boyfriend.
You found an empty table and started eating your yogurt sadly.
"Can I sit?" You heard a boy say. You looked up out of your trance, and there he was. Freddy Freeman. You had never actually talked to him before. Sure he was in your social studies class, but he wasn't one to talk. You did know, however, that he was bullied a lot for his injured leg. You felt bad for him most of the time.
"Yeah, of course." You said in between spoonfuls of yogurt.
"So uh, why aren't you sitting over there with your boyfriend?" He asked, opening his Spider-Man lunch box.
"We aren't together anymore." You hung your head.
"Ya' know, anyone who wouldn't want to date you is most likely mentally slow."  He chuckled.
"Heh, thanks Freddy." You winked at him, making his cheeks flush with red.

Shazam!: You were walking home from your job when your phone rang.
"Hello?" You answered quickly.
"Hi Y/N L/N, this is the Veterinary Clinic. We're  calling to inform you that your *insert animal here* is out of surgery and is going to make a full recovery." A woman's voice came over the phone.
"Really? That's amazing, thank you so much!" You happily exclaimed, clutching the phone closer to your ear.
"No problem. Have a good day!" The lady clicked off the phone.
You were now about to cross a bridge. You hated this bridge. It was old and rickety, and felt as though it could snap at any moment. However, this was the only way you could get to your home.
You were about halfway on the bridge when you remembered that you could take home your precious *insert animal name here*! You twirled around in excitement. Suddenly, the bridge creaked. You froze in horror. A large plank of wood gave way underneath your foot and fell. You screamed. Your foot was stuck in the hole.
"Help! Anyone!" You yelled, hoping that someone could hear you.
A red, white, and yellow figure YEETED from around the corner (sorry, I couldn't help myself) and picked you up in one swift motion. You came to an abrupt stop.
"To whom do I owe my gratitude?" You asked.
"You can call me... max. It's what my manager calls me." The man grinned. You scanned his outfit.
"Are you on your way to a... convention?" You asked, confused. He chuckled.
"Well you see, I'm kinda an important superhero. We should go out sometime." Max flashed a toothy grin. You nodded. "Sure. I'll see you around Max. And by the way, I'm Y/N." You winked.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, as there are many more to come!
Final word count: 758

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