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Billy Batson: "Y/N!" You heard Billy's voice growing as he ran up behind you.
"Yeah?" You asked.
"Look what I just found! I'm naming it Ramen." He said. Confused, you turned around. There, face-to-face, was a large, orange cat in Billy's arms.
"Billy, I'm aller... allerg...," You started to say, feeling a sneeze coming. You had sneezed not once, not twice, but three times.
"I'm allergic to cats." You finally said. Billy clicked his tongue.
"That's depressing. I'm keeping him though, so you'll have to deal with him from now on." He said, bopping your nose with Ramen's.
"Also," He started.
"Your sneezes are adorable. Even if you sound like a dying chihuahua."

Freddy Freeman: The flowers were blooming, the sun was shining, the cute little squirrels were starting to appear more and more! Spring had sprung. Unfortunately, so had your allergies. It felt like every five seconds you were sneezing. Your eyes were watery, your throat hurt. It was miserable. You had begged your parents to stay home, but being as strict as they are, you had to face the facts.
Now, since you were Freddy's neighbor and best friend, you would often walk with him and his family to school every day.
"Wow Y/N. You look... horrible." Darla exclaimed.
"What was that?" You asked, sniffing.
"Never mind." She said, brushing the subject off.
"What she means Y/N, is that, you look like shit." Freddy said as he walked up to you.
"Wow, you don't say?" You coughed.
"Y/N, you should have really stayed home today." Freddy worriedly said.
"I'm fine." You repeatedly sneezed four times, and after each one, Darla added a "Bless you".
"Jesus Christ," Freddy lightly rubbed your back. "I've never seen you so dead! At least your sneezes are lively and cute." He stated.
You laughed, which was the first good feeling of today.

Shazam!: "So, meet again Max." You said cooly. 'Max' flashed a toothy grin at you, holding his hand behind his back.
"For you, milady." He revealed his hand, with a large bouquet of pink tulips.
"Oh." You said flatly.
"Huh. Not the reaction I was thinking I'd get." He responded, his cheeks flushed a deep shade of pink.
"No no no, they're lovely Max, it's just that..." you trailed off, sneezing twice.
"I'm allergic to tulips. I'm sorry, I should have said." You said, rummaging through your purse to find a tissue.
"Well in that case, you can come with me to the store and you can find something you won't be allergic to. How does that sound?" He asked warmly.
"I'd love that, my hero." You grinned, taking his hand in yours.

Sorry, this chapter came out later that I anticipated! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Final word count: 492

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