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It was a sunny day in the city. The trees were rustling because of the wind, the birds are chirping telling people to wake the fuck up, and some of the dogs are barking because some idiots are playing with the dog by sticking their tongue out and mocked their actions.

"Taehyungie, wake up." Jimin sat beside the bed of his younger brother and shook the boy who is still sleeping.

The boy only snored loudly as he kept on sleeping. The alpha shook his head in disappointment.

He grabbed the pot and lid that was lying beneath the bed and started to bang it together.

"WAKE UP YOU LIL-" The pink haired alpha yelled as he continued to make a loud noise using the kitchen pots. But he was cut off by a pillow hitting his face.

"O-Oh my! I'm sorry, Minmin!" Taehyung stated with worry lacing his tone. The young omega yawned before sitting up his bed lazily. "You scared the cotton candy out of me." He added.

'Fuck he's adorable.' Jimin thought as blood ran down his nose, but wiped it quickly so that the other won't see. Taehyung curled his hand into a fist before rubbing his left eye with it.

But the pink haired Alpha swatted his hands. Taehyung pouted and glared at the alpha standing in front of him.

"Don't give me that look young man. Go and eat your breakfast then take a shower or you will be late for your first day of school." The older male stated with his arms crossed.

With that, Taehyung stood up from his bed then ran downstairs to eat his breakfast.

After eating his breakfast and doing the rest of his morning routine, he waved goodbye to his brother with a big smile as he ran his way to school.

Once Taehyung arrived in front of the school gate, he panted and fixed his black rimmed glasses that was about to fall from his face.

The omega was fixed his posture into a straight one then walked inside. He received a few stares once he got inside the building, but he shrugged it off then kept walking. He grabbed the moonstone necklace that was inside his shirt.

The necklace had a translucent stone in the middle with three petals of moon flower inside the stone. It was given from his mother who told him to wear it to hide his scent from alphas who are in rut and who can't control themselves from omegas. Because he's also not just an ordinary omega, his mother told him.

Suddenly, a scent of musk mixed with the smell of the refreshing smell of the sea hits snapped him out of his thoughts. His closed his eyes and sniffed the scent.

'Mate.' His wolf howled, Taehyung decided to find the owner of the scent and the one that made his wolf howl in delight.

The omega stopped in front of a janitor's closet. He was about to grab the handle when a hand touched his shoulder.

Taehyung flinched for a bit before turning his head. A man who looked like he is in his twenties gave him a bored look with his narrow eyes.

"Hey kid, shouldn't you be getting your schedule by now?" The man asked with one of his brows raised.

Taehyung stayed silent for a while before speaking. "S-Sorry, sir. I don't really know this school, I'm new here." He gulped. Taehyung heard the man click his tongue before removing his hand from his shoulder.

Then, another man came from behind the pale man. "Oh! And who is this adorable peanut?" He asked the smaller male who had a bored look on his face.

"I don't know, just help him get his schedule and locker. I'll be going now." The pale man patted the other before walking away.

They watched the small male walk away before Taehyung and the man standing in front of him gave him a bug smile.

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