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A/n: So here is my shitty explanation about Moon-birth wolves. Y'all can just skip this if you want.

Moon-birth wolves are the child or the children of the seven moons, the descendants of the moon goddess. They can either be that or one of their relative is also a moon-birth. 

They are unbelievably stronger than pure blooded alphas. Speaking of alpha, they are the lowest rank in the ranking of moon-birth wolves while the omega has the highest rank.

Eventhough they are strong, they also have weaknesses. Like ordinary wolves, their weakness is silver. While moon-birth wolves has a certain weakness towards a mineral called crocidolite. Also known as blue abestos, the world's most dangerous mineral.

The stone itself can kill an ordinary wolf by sniffing it and the scent itself will kill them straight away. Even by just touching it, it will cause damage to the skin of the moon-birth wolf.

And that is how the moon-birth wolves went extinct. The reason why is because, an moon-birth omega and beta went berserk for some reason and went on a killing spree. Even the young ones weren't spared.

Therefore, the ordinary wolves decided to eliminate all the moon-birth wolves using a stone by capturing three moon-births. Omega, beta and alpha.

They tested different kinds of dangerous minerals to the three, and when they found the right one. They planned their revenge.

The ordinary wolves pulverized the mineral and mixed it to their food. They invited all of the moon-births to a party and made sure that all of them will eat. Of course the ones who found out were kidnapped and were forced to inhale the pulverized mineral. Eventhough they are five times stronger than the ordinary wolves, their weapons can't be compared to them.

The seven moons and the moon goddess were heartbroken to see their little ones dying right in front of their eyes. So they punished the ordinary wolves and only left a few but they made sure that they will have no knowledge about the wolves. Until this day, no one really knows about the moon-birth wolves or their weaknesses.

(Now this is shitty af I can't help but wheeze I don't even know if this made sense. This chapter is also a bit short.)


The ten people sat inside Jimin's room, as always when they don't have anything to do, while fiddling with the bracelet that Taehyung gave them five years ago.

"When are we going to leave? It's not that I hate it here, but I actually kind of like this place because it's bigger than the house back in our town. But I am kind of worried about the house and our jobs." Ethan spoke up, the seven averted their eyes from the accessory attached to their wrist then looked at the alpha.

"I don't know. But I like it here too, and fuck my job because they ain't even paying me right. Eventhough I almost risked my life for it." Zoe answered before staring at the ceiling above her.

Lucas and the others agreed with a nod. All of a sudden, the group of ten hissed when they felt something stung them from their wrist. "Holy fuck what was that?!" Yelled Yuri and Zoe as all of the people inside the room held their wrist that had the bracelet on.

"What did that dumbhead place in these?" Yuri hissed as his mate massaged their wrist.

"That was weird." Jin commented while gawking at the accessory that the young omega gave him.

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