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Taehyung woke up when he felt tiny fingers poke his cheeks. He stirred around for a bit before he opened his eyes to see a baby that he wasn't familiar with.

The omega looked around and noticed that he wasn't in his room, there was only darkness. He stopped looking around and gave his attention to the baby besides him.

The baby looked like a male and his eyes looked the same as Jungkook's. He can't help but his internally.

"Please forgive papa." The baby stated in a small voice before he sniffles. Then tears started coming out of his eyes, making Taehyung panic.

'Papa?' Taehyung thought in confusion. All of a sudden, the darkness surrounding the two started to shatter into pieces.

"Please don't kill me mama." The baby cried, now Taehyung's eyes is wide as saucers. He tried to reach the crying baby, the light suddenly hits his eyes.

"Taehyung!" The aforementioned shot up from his bed, sweating and panting while looking around. Immediately, he latched onto Zoe and Lucas then hugged them tightly.

The sibling felt the omega tremble onto their embrace. "I-I'm scared. P-Please I don't know what to do." Taehyung continued to mutter incoherent words as the two rubbed his back.

"Taehyung, it's alright. We're going to guide you." Said Zoe as she caressed the omega's long locks.

After eight minutes of calming the omega down, they gave him water and asked him a few questions.

"Are you planning to keep the baby?" Lucas's question made the omega froze. Taehyung lowered his head, and he remembered the dream or rather the nightmare that he got just a while ago.

Lucas gulped, scared that he said something that made the omega upset. "It's okay if you don't answer it." He added.

But Taehyung shook his head. "I'm keeping it. Besides, I wanted to have a child of my own. Eventhough it's still early." He stated with a faint smile that danced on his lips.

Taehyung placed a hand on his flat stomach then rubbed it affectionately. Zoe and Lucas also smiled, amused that the omega chose the right decision.

"Are you planning on announcing this to everyone?" Zoe asked in a concerned tone, scared that she might state something that will trigger the omega male.

"Not yet. I don't want Yoongi, Jin, Jimin and Yuri to do something that will make them go crazy." The two nodded in agreement. After all, those four have been very protective over the omega.

The three walked to Jimin's room where they always gather because of the huge space that the room has. While Taehyung was walking from behind Lucas and Zoe, he can't help but think how they found out he is pregnant.

Usually, werewolves can't really smell the scent of the fetus unless a month has passed by. Especially he is wearing his necklace right now that blocks his own scent.

When he met them, he didn't really got a whiff of their scent because he was busy crying his heart out. But after some time, he noticed that their scent was somehow familiar.

Speaking of scent, it also reminded him of Jin and Yoongi's scent. Maybe because he has been hugging them a bit too much, he thought.

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