The sex

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Author note

Happy Easter and may all my readers witness the new joy

Sorry for late update I wanted to update two chapters but I was not free

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Jack POV

I kissed her like my life depended  on this kiss and I swear my heart stop immediately I touch those soft lips,  so soft and calling out for me I could not hold back because all I ever want to  do is to take her with me and ravish her and show her what no man could possibly do to her she is amazing and I will make her understand my feeling for her

I carried her in my arms to the car she held so tightly that I felt so many emotions running through my mind if I can't have Anna to myself nobody will because she mean a lot to me  I placed her on the back seat and could not resist the temptation of kissing those lips again so I have to do it

I kissed those lips that is made for me to kiss, that made me not to sleep well at night because how Much I  saw it in my dreams.

You are so beautiful I told her
Make me your  King I knew our first time should not be in the car but am trying so hard to control myself here till I heard those words

Jack pls touch me I need you,

  it sounded  like a whisper but I heard it clearly I lost control at that moment  and brought my lips down to hers in rough way I could not get enough I remove the zip of her dress and man she is beautiful she try to cover her breasts away from my prying eyes but no I won't allow that I want to see all of her

You are so beautiful I keep on repeating in her ears and she  eventually relax

I touch her hardened nipple and she moan in my mouth I kiss her nipples and put the little Flower in my mouth and I actually made her moan my name in next few minutes

I try to pleasure her as much as I can and before am through she is already a mess begging me for more and that is what I did I gave her more

I went lower and grab her panties and pull it off my mind is telling me to stop that she will hate me after but I can't listen am so confused she want it and I also want it then why will she hate me

She saw my hesitation and try to get back up but no I won't let her go and then right There and now I want to make her mine

I removed my trousers and bend to capture her lips and caress her  and raise her legs up and dip my tongue inside her fresh and tested her I started licking her while she moan I kept my other hand on her breast while she grab my hair lol I don't mind

After linking her for few minutes I kissed her and then spread her legs I saw she is hesitant because of the way she is looking at my dick I knew what she is thinking that is too big for her

I did not give her chance to protest I drove into her and she shouted immediately she try to move her away but I caged her and increase my pace while she moan

She came first before me then I came after I lay on top of her body before getting up
We look tired  I need to rest a bit before we go home

We rested for like one hour and I helped her dress up,  none of us talked about what happened and I don't even want to talk about it anyway I held her hand and I drove with the other hand and for once  we are comfortable this way

I dropped her in front of her  house and went to my own car park I watched her go inside then I walked in myself
I rushed to my own room and sent her a text from  my phone and jump on my bed

Ann am sorry if it happened so soon I can't control myself when am with you I love  you so much don't hate me because of this pls

I did not know when I started shading tears

I slept off thinking of how to win her

I woke up early for school after preparing I hurried out I want to take her to school and I can pop the questions soon I want her to be my real girlfriend  i want her to stop faking it because I love her

On coming out her Car is not there why will she go to school that early

On reaching school I saw her and  her friend Tracy discussing something

I went closer ignoring josh complains that I should come back and the next thing I heard broke my heart entirely she just told her friend that she is leaving

I  don't know where exactly she is going to but one thing is sure wherever she goes I goes because   am not leaving her out of my sight

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