Characters and introduction

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Ellie North: Dolphin.

Daniel Heathrow: Wrath. 

Lesley Horny: Sloth. 

Cody Hawthorne: Greed.

Gemma Louis: Helium.

Kim Larsen: Cookie.

Henrik Valdez: Bowtie.

Joachim Peterson: Devil.

The final apocalypse has finally settled above humanity. Our time as rulers of the earth have finally come to its end. The world is turning into one big cannibalism realm.

The dead no longer stays dead. People are not safe, with the dead luring around every corner trying to eat you. Staying alive is a struggle, suddenly all the stories, films, and TV shows about this seems like a good idea to remember or have watched.

There's nothing between life and death, and all that stands left is the broken shell of the world.

It is the will to survive is what keep them alive.

Authors note: The story is completed, but as it is unedited I will be posting chapters as I go along, hopefully once a week, if not more if I feel for it. I still have no title for the story as I simply saved it under its current title and will take suggestions if one of you have some brilliant suggestions, I am also open for your opinions and what you thought was good and what I can improve on (: 

I wrote this a long time ago, but I have finally decided to share it on here, and see how it goes, so I apologize for any grammar mistakes, I am currently working on editing it and will hopefully get around to making my way through all the chapters! 

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