Chapter seven: Ellie

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The sickening crack that came from that little girl's head almost made Ellie throw up. She clung tightly to Kim as they drove over her body by accident. She made the mistake of looking back. The sight made her turn around so fast she almost lost balance on the seat. The sight was so gruesome it made everything inside her almost fall out of her body. She pressed her face into Kim's back trying hard not to see the girl with a smashed cranium before her eyes.

The farmhouse was quiet, like something taken out of horror films. The only thing missing were the creepy music playing in the background. Lesley and Daniel went into the house first telling the others to wait outside, Ellie didn't like the quietness. Usually she would have killed for just a moment of silence, but now it seemed like you were standing in your own funeral staring at the mourning faces of friends and family. The thought of her family made her tighten her grip on Kim's hand. If it hurt, he didn't mention anything. "It's safe, come on in to the whore house!" Lesley yelled from somewhere inside. Ellie and Gemma both rolled their eyes and ignored his comment, and walked in with the others.

"What a mess." Ellie said looking around, the hallway they stood in laid trashed before their eyes. "Seems like hell of a fight's been going on here." Gemma said picking up a smashed picture. Behind the dried blood, a family smiled back at them, with the sea in the background. "Looks like that girl..." Lesley said pointing at her, "Except there's less brain goo on here." He grinned at his own bad joke and walked off. Ellie took the picture from Gemma's hands and stared at it. "I wonder what happened to them." She said quietly. Did all of them die or was it only the girl? "It's no use wondering about that. They're probably dead." Daniel said passing by carrying a box filled with stuff. "What a ray of sunshine you are." Ellie muttered putting the picture back on what were left of a table.

Most of the house seemed untouched, except from the rooms. Drawers hung open, closets half emptied.

The house gave off a strange feeling. Like it wasn't supposed to weren't supposed to be this quiet. Years of life screamed from the light wooden walls. "I don't like this place." Kim whispered in Ellie's ear making her jump. "Me neither." Henrik said suddenly appearing behind them, "Where did you come from?" Ellie asked. They hadn't been behind her, she certainly hadn't heard them come, and the floors beneath them creaked like hell. "Just came up from the basement." Henrik said. His eyes had a scared and sad look to them as he looked behind him again. "There's dead bodies in the basement?" Ellie asked. She sounded far less scared and shaky than she felt. "How did you know?" He asked. Ellie struggled to keep her voice at level as she spoke. "Your eyes, they reflect your feelings." She said trying not to sound like somebody taken out of one of those NCIS shows her parents loved watching.

Henrikleft shortly after to help searching the place for things they might need.Ellie decided to raid the kitchen and cool room for food that won't go stale orbad for a while. Kim joined her, "How can you be so calm?" he asked taking outeverything from one of the cabinets. Ellie looked over at him and sighed deeplythrowing some foul smelling meat out of the window for the crows to eat. "I'mnot. I had a breakdown back at Greed's place." She said slightly embarrassed.Kim gave her a tiny smile "I know."

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