Chapter Five: Daniel

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Daniel hated that he had to include Joachim in anything. However, he knew that if he didn't do it, he'd have either Ellie or Gemma at his neck, maybe even both. The thought of the two of them against him made chills go down his spine. A mad Dolphin and a mad Helium weren't something he wanted, those two were frightening enough when only one were mad, but both? That would be like asking for a death sentence.

Still after they had eaten two slices of bread each, they felt quite queasy. The thought of going out there weren't one any of them liked very much. However, the sun rose on the sky and they left the house, for some odd reason they locked the door. "We have to be very quiet." Daniel whispered to the others grabbing his own bike. "First stop, Dolphins apartment. It's only five minutes from here." He said. They set off at the fastest pace they could without losing control of their bikes as they drove over tree roots on the wooden path that led to town fastest. If there were one word to describe how town felt like, it would have been, abandoned. The quiet stretched on like somebody had put a pair of earmuffs on your head and thrown you out into the dry wasteland.

It was a strange feeling to them all, town usually would have been buzzing with people waiting for the bus, train or just going to the mall. Daniel let Ellie unlock the door that led to the hallway. A screech came from further up the hallway, and a loud scratching like something were trying to break free from behind a door. Daniel followed Ellie who took a deep breath as she opened the door into her apartment. "Take what you can find and put it in the bags." She said heading straight for her bedroom. "The bike is still there. Wrath, here's the key. Don't do anything stupid." She warned. Daniel only rolled his eyes and disappeared off in the direction Ellie told him. Down in the small garage he found four bikes. A large smirk appeared on his face. They weren't more than eight which meant they could ride two on each until they got a hold of the others.

He hurried back upstairs. "There's four bikes down there, all ready to go. I suggest that we ride two and two. Gemma you go with Cody; Lesley you ride with me. Joachim you and Henrik take one and well Ellie you take one with him." Daniel were still jealous over all the attention he got from her. He knew that she'd had a crush on him since their first year, but he still couldn't help but feel extremely jealous, the kid wasn't even that attractive if you asked him. Not that he was a beauty himself... besides, he couldn't get himself to say his name, at least not right then.

They all hoisted their bags onto their backs and left the apartment. Ellie locked the door after saying "I don't want my things to get infected." It sounded silly to Daniel, but on the other hand, he knew what kind of attachment she had to some of her things, especially things she'd gotten from her dad or Kenny the giraffe. She didn't own many things that had much value in money, but they had a significant value to her. She often wouldn't even let other people touch her stuff.

In the hallway the screeches got louder as they passed the neighbour apartment door, something or someone were banging loudly on the door trying to get out. "Don't even think about opening it." Daniel hissed as Joachim moved closer to it. He jerked away as the door shuddered. "Keep away from doors. We have no idea what those things can do." Daniel snapped at everybody "They can eat your flesh." Lesley said brightly. They all chose a bike. Daniel and Lesley took the one furthest away from Ellie and Kim. "He's one lucky bastard." Lesley said looking in their direction as Ellie wrapped her arms around his waist. Daniel forced himself to look away. "Let's go then." Daniel and Lesley made up the front, while Gemma and Cody the back. 

Authors note: Today I'll be posting several chapters, I don't know how many, but I'll do as many as I can! Hope you enjoy and please do leave comments letting me know what you think! (: 

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