Chapter one: Ellie

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It's was regular Thursday, Ellie's sitting in the cafeteria wondering what they'd do in her next class. Did they have a test, or maybe they got to watch a film. Something they rarely did, maybe they'd even have a substitute. If they were lucky. "Watcha doing?" Ellie looked up from her screen looking at two of her friends. "Nothing." She paused the music and stared at them. "Have you seen the news lately, El?" Cody asked taking the seat across from her. "No, not really. Don't watch much TV, but if you're referring to the new decease that broke out in the US then, yes I have." Lesley sat down in the chair beside Ellie, making her scoot a little closer to the window. She wasn't a big fan of having people too close to her. "I've heard that it affects the dead, like they don't stay dead." Lesley said taking a large gulp of his Monster Energy drink.

"I don't know if I believe it" It seemed impossible that dead people should rise from their graves again. That was only something you'd see on TV shows, films and in books. "It seems extreme for people to rise after their heart have stopped beating." Daniel said suddenly joining them at the table. "But it is possible. If the virus attacks the brain, then it is fully possible." Ellie leaned back in her seat and stared at him. "Possible, yes. Likely to happen? No. It's only, what? Four years after Ebola broke out in Africa, and there were only few cases of Ebola here, and those people survived." She pointed out. "Yes, but Ebola didn't live in your brain." Daniel poked her head. "Ebola attacked your vital organs." She rolled her eyes. "I know that, all people talked about were Ebola. Besides, I'm sure they're already looking for a cure if it lives in your brain." The conversation veered from the decease to what you'd need in case of the apocalypse.

Throughout Friday and the weekend Ellie didn't speak much with any of her friends. In general, she didn't do much other than walking around in her small apartment cleaning and washing her clothes. The only odd thing that struck her were when the power disappeared Sunday night. Confused she looked up at the ceiling, wondering if the light bulb needed a change. She then looked out of the window at the city stretching out below her. Not a single light shone as far as the eye could see. Baffled she used her phone to find some candles and matches. She lit them and decided to call Gemma. On the third ring, she picked up, "Is the power gone at your place too?" She asked. Ellie nodded staring at the book resting on the coffee table, "Yeah. It just disappeared a couple of minutes ago, it seems like the whole towns got no power." There was a short silence on the other end. "I doubt it's going to last. It happens from time to time." Gemma said. Ellie could hear her doing something, probably lightening a match. "I've never experienced it before..." Ellie said lighting another match, "It happens all the time at my place and other houses here." Gemma replied calmly. "Are you coming back to school tomorrow?" Ellie asked changing the subject. "I don't feel ill anymore. So, I guess, but I have to go. Mum's yelling at me to go to bed. Seema." "Seeya." Ellie stared at her phone for a while before she decided that going to bed sounded like a good idea. If she had known what life would bring her after that night, she'd chosen to never wake up.

That's strange... Ellie thought as she tried to switch on the boiler, so she could get her usual fix of a strong cup of tea, but it didn't work. She'd just bought a week before. She walked over to the light switch and tried to turn on the light in the bathroom. Didn't work either. She shrugged it off and got dressed in a pair of shorts and singlet with a flower print, she pulled her denim jacket over it in case the wind should be chilly. Quickly she grabbed her bags and stuffed her feet into a pair of flats. Another strange thing she noticed that the street was a little too quiet for a Monday morning. On her way to school, she saw some pretty strange things, for once the food store right in the middle of town had been totally wrecked, windows shattered and things lying all over the place. Outside of school, she saw Mary and Gemma waiting for her. "What happened to the food store?" she asked. "You know that killer virus thing?" Gemma asked looking at Ellie with scared eyes. "Yeah, what about it?" Ellie were confused as to where the conversation is going. "It's here. The rumour about people coming back from the dead are true..." Gemma started to shake violently as she struggled to form a sentence. "Some people say it's the zombie apocalypse that's come." Mary rolled her eyes. "It's just a bunch of bull if you ask me." "You won't say that when a zombie put his teeth into your flesh and start eating you!" Gemma said.

Ellie stared amused at the two as they argued about the zombie apocalypse. "Come on you two, quit being an old couple and let's get to class before we're late." She said dragging them both into the school. It was surprisingly empty. "Where is everybody?" Ellie asked as they reached their classroom, still locked, much to their surprise. Ellie looked around and saw that several other students stood outside their classrooms waiting. After some time with no teachers coming to let the kids into their classrooms so they could start another usual boring day at school. "All students are to walk to the school cafeteria. I repeat all students to the school cafeteria." Confused students stared around them. They'd never heard their principal use the intercom.

"Hey what's going on?" Lesley asked appearing beside Ellie. She cast a sideways look at her friend and shrugged. "I have no idea. Maybe it has something to do with the power break." She said. He shrugged and they walked down into the cafeteria where everybody who'd met today sat or stood talking. The room buzzed with an awful tension. Soon Daniel and Cody had found Ellie, Gemma and Mary towards the front of the mass. In front of them, a stage had been set up hastily. "What's my dad doing here?" Cody asked confused staring at the uniformed man on stage. Behind him were a person who'd been chained by the neck. Growling and trying to get to the people in front of it. Ellie craned her neck to see, what met her eyes made her want to vomit. It was one of her teachers, Mr. Figgins. His hair was greasy and his eyes glazed over with some sort of white lens like the ones you see in zombie films. His jaw had been molested badly, like somebody had decided to pull it off and that eating it was a good idea. Ellie couldn't tear her eyes away from the gruesome sight. She hadn't even noticed that several other teachers and students stood on a line just like Mr. Figgins. They all had large places where it looked like somebody had tried to turn them into human McDonald or Burger King happy meals.

Shejerked back and stumbled into another student. She hardly got to mutter sorrywhen a shrill scream filled the room. All of a sudden, students rushed forwardsfalling over each other to get away from whatever the source were. She grabbedthe hand of whoever she stumbled into only seconds ago, and followed herfriends out of the school. Outside the chaos continued. Ellie looked at theperson she'd dragged along and finally realised who it was. Daniel, Gemma, Codyand Lesley all stood within reaching distance, and so did his friends. One lookover her shoulder made her strangle a scream and pull Kim after her. "Lesley,Daniel, Cody and Gemma come on!" she yelled moving towards their bikes. "Do youhave a bike?" She asked looking at Kim. It was the first time she had managedto talk to him without stuttering or looking like an idiot. He shook his headprobably too shocked to speak. "Get on."

Authors note: First chapter is up! Hope you guys like it, and I will be posting more when I have the time and remember to do it, please bear with me on this one, this is nerve wrecking for me, but it feels good to finally share some of what I do! I have so many stories that I'd like to post in the future, but for now let's just begin with this one :D

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