Chapter nine: Daniel

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"You two do have everything?" Daniel asked walking into the kitchen. Ellie held up two bags with food and threw one at him. He caught it in one hand. "Hmm, maybe you're right. We do need a car." Ellie gave him a look and he disappeared out of the kitchen. Only to stop just outside the door where she wouldn't be able to see him. He listened for a while to what she and Kim talked about, mostly they just talked about random stuff that didn't interest him at all. Suddenly Joachim came running into the hall, Daniel were less than pleased. All he wanted to do was beat this kid up and leave him to die. However, he could be useful later on as a punching bag or live bait.

"Wefound a car." He said panting. "And there's a whole room of Zombies out in thebarn." Daniel stared at him not really wanting to listen, but the word car andZombies caught his attention. "Only problem is, the Zombies surround the car."Henrik said joining them. "Tell me." Daniel said staring directly at Henrik. Hedidn't want to give Joachim any satisfaction of being acknowledged. "Seems likethe family tried to escape through the car, but one must have been bitten orsomething like that, because half of them walk around with their organs hangingout of their stomach." Henrik pulled a face. "Great!" For the first time inhours, Daniel really felt some sort of joy. He grabbed the baseball bat he'dfound in one of the rooms and ran out of the door. The news about the zombieswere probably the best he'd had all day, finally he could let out some of allthe pend up anger towards Joachim and blow off some stress steam. 

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