Chapter two: Daniel

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Daniel hardly thought about anyone as they ran out of the school, it wasn't until Ellie yelled his name that he snapped into reality. She was towing somebody along as they ran towards him. He quickly realised that she ran towards the bikes. A lot of kids followed taking their own bikes. Like bats out of hell, they left the school area. Kids were screaming behind them, but in all, honestly Daniel didn't care. "We're going to Greed's place." He yelled taking the lead. "Why mine?" Cody asked. "Because you got most of what we need."

Getting out of the town proved to be far more difficult than they'd imagined. Cars blocked every road and even the sidewalks were crowded. Mowing their way through proved a difficult task, after a while they finally made their way into one of the neighbourhoods. From there on it proved fairly easy to get to Cody's place. "Open the garage." Daniel ordered, Cody quickly punched in the code and let the garage door slide up, "How do you have power?" Lesley asked, "We have a backup generator." He said. "Does your TV work?" Ellie asked. He nodded, "Yeah, but it's only news. Been like that since Friday." Daniel nodded "Perfect, we need to know what's going on." He hadn't noticed that they weren't just his friends anymore. Three other boys stood in the garage with them. One of them whom he wants to rip the head off and feed to lions. "Lesley and Gemma start gathering everything that might be of use in here and pack it into bags. The rest of us go into the house."

Daniel stood in front of the TV with an emotionless face. "The zombie apocalypse is over us!" one of the reporters screamed into the screen. He stood in the streets of Melbourne. "As you can see people are turning into braindead living dead who eat everything living they come across... The military have ordered people to stay in their homes until help gets there. Do not let any strangers or anyone, even if you know them, into your homes once you have closed the doors. They might be infected and thereby you will also get infected." A woman came lumbering up behind him an ugly sneer on her face and blood running from her teeth. She put her teeth into his shoulders the reporter let out a howl of pain and tried to get her off him. However, her hold was too strong. She clung to him like a leech. Ellie shut off the TV leaving the room in a gloom silence. "It's really happening." She whispered almost as if in a trance. Daniel had noticed she hadn't let go of the boy she had dragged along with her.

"Okay we need everything that doesn't go bad in a couple of days. Take everything we might need from the cabinets. Ellie, you go upstairs with Cody and him" he pointed towards the tall dark brown haired kid standing next to her. He watched Ellie leave up the stairs still holding hands with the kid. He wondered silently who that lucky bastard was. In the time, he'd known her, she'd rarely let anyone come inside her personal bubble. Not even Daniel or others, except from Marlene, Mary and Gemma. "Joachim go find some bags..." He stared at the only kid he knew and wanted to murder brutally. He only said that to get rid of him, at least for a little while. "I'm Henrik by the way." The only other kid left in the kitchen said, he had light brown hair that almost stood in an afro. The name seemed awfully familiar to Daniel, but he couldn't quite place it. "Daniel." He said nodding.

"WRATH!" Ellie came stomping down the stairs a wild look in her eyes. "We need to get Helium and Sloth inside now. Those things are coming down the street." She looked over at Henrik and said almost puzzled "Hi Henrik..." Daniel stared between them, "You know each other?" He asked. Ellie made a face, "Sort of, we have German together." After she said that she disappeared and you could hear her yell to Gemma and Lesley to get their asses inside and close the garage door. Few minutes later, they closed the door and locked it. Gemma proceeded to run around every room and close the curtains and blinders, as well as locking every window and door, while Ellie disappeared back up with Lesley.

Alittle while later they had all gathered around the dining table in thekitchen. Ellie and Daniel sat beside each other at the end. Cody, Lesley andGemma sat on one side of the table while the three others sat on the others,the lucky bastard beside Ellie, then Henrik and Joachim. 

Authors note: second chapter is up and I will also be posting at least one more chapter today of the story, maybe two, we'll see what I've got the time to, I'm currently helping my parents get the house ready for sale, and there's a lot to do around here. But I hope you enjoy it! (: 

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