Chapter seventy-nine: Ellie

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Stella placed the baby in her arms and Ellie looked down at the tiny face and let out a small sob. "Kim do you want to cut the cord?" Stella asked holding up a scissor. She bound a small piece of rope around the cord and then gave him the scissor. With some difficulties he cut the cord, the last thing that kept Ellie and the baby fully connected. "Ellie now we just need to get the mother cake out." When all that was done Stella, exanimated Ellie to make sure that she was in no risk of death before she left the room. Ellie looked down at the little baby in her arms and wanted to cry. To think that she'd carried it inside of her for so long. "He looks like you." She said looking up at Kim who was staring down at the baby unable to believe it. "What should we name him?" Kim asked letting the baby take a hold of his finger. Ellie looked down at him for a moment. "Elmer." She said looking down at the baby with loving eyes. "Elmer LarsenDolphin." Henrik walked into the room, pale and he looked slightly sick, but Ellie was glad that he'd come. "Can I see him?" Ellie nodded and moved so he could see the tiny boy, Elmer.

Soon the room was filled with curious eyes, all coming to see the new member of their party. Timothy did not know what to say, as he looked down at his tiny nephew. "Everybody out!" Stella called to the people. "Let Ellie rest. She's had a long day and need to sleep." Kim and Mary were the only one left in the room along with Stella. A question popped into Ellie's head. "Who is on this ship and the other?" Stella frowned. "We haven't done a body count yet, but I think that most made it. Travis didn't, Daniel made sure of that. As for the other ship, we'll have to wait and see when it's light." Ellie hated being in the dark and by the next morning despite protests from Stella and her other friends she was back on her feet. Ellie had found some old curtains in one of the unopened cabinets and ripped them in two, she had bound it around one shoulder and waist. So she could carry Elmer around, Kim hardly left her side for a minute and would often take their newborn son, carrying him around gazing down at him lovingly.

The sun stood high on the sky and Ellie squinted over at the other ship. It took some time to navigate them so it was possible to talk with one another. Ellie was relieved to see both Marlene and Nala alive, beat up and scratched, but alive. "What went on last night?" Marlene asked. "We could hear someone screaming. Did someone die?" She asked. Ellie shook her head, "No one died, fortunately." Ellie said she was carrying Elmer in the sling around her body and Marlene frowned, "Your stomach..." Her eyes widened as she realised what had been the cause of the screaming. "You gave birth." She said. Nala's eyes widened, "Ooh can we see him, please?" She asked excitedly. Ellie looked down at the sleeping baby and smiled gently. She picked him up and Kim put his arm around her protectively as if to say, Ellie is mine, and this little baby is mine as well. "He's so cute!" Nala cooed loudly. "What did you name him?" Ellie looked at Kim silently asking him to say it. "Elmer." He said looking at the baby too a smile on his face. Had anyone ever told Ellie that she'd become a mother at eighteen and during the zombie apocalypse, she would have laughed at them and told them that, that they were crazy and it would never happen in a million years. She put her head-on Kim's shoulder and cradled their son in her arms. What life had in store for them later Ellie did not know, nor did she care much about it at that moment. All she cared about was that, her brothers were alive, Kim, her friends and she was alive. That was all she could and would ask for.

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