Familiar Stranger

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Nothing. That's all I saw. Or at least what I thought I saw. I wasn't quite sure; the inky blackness of my thoughts pushed everything else out of the way. What happened? That's when I remembered.
I walked back through the events of the previous night. I was having fun: laughing, smiling, playing. But then there was him. Although I wasn't quite sure who he was, I vaguely remember asking for his number. I checked my phone and sure enough it was there. Damien Haas. I still had no idea who he was or why he was at that party.
I brushed the thought aside and climbed out of bed. I had work in an hour and I still hadn't even showered yet. I rushed to the bathroom with my towel and my clothes, showered, got dressed, and finished getting ready. On my way out the door I said goodbye to my beloved dog, Jet.
As soon as I pulled up in the parking lot, I quickly ran into the back of the Starbucks and draped my apron over me before anyone had noticed I was late. Oddly enough, we had been very slow. I decided to sweep up front when I noticed someone walk in the front door out of the corner of my eye. Before I could look up to see the stranger, I heard a voice. A very familiar voice it seemed. As I tilted my head up to meet eyes with them, my jaw dropped.

Work In Progress // Damien HaasWhere stories live. Discover now