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Friday came and I was ready to get the date over with before it had even begun. I peaked out the window and saw a gray Dodge Charger. Damien got out of the car,  walked up to my door, and knocked on it. I waited a moment before opening it so it didn't seem like I knew he was there. As I opened the door I saw the warm smile on his face and the flowers in his hands. I was a bit shocked for some reason I couldn't explain. But I set the feeling aside.
    "You ready?" He asked. "Of course!" I replied. We walked to his car and as he opened the door for me he told me about the amazing Mexican restaurant he was taking me to. We chatted the whole way there about work and family and our pets. Surprisingly enough, I was comfortable talking to him.
    Once we got to the restaurant, we were seated by beautiful paintings and beautiful decor. We ordered and chatted some more.
    "So, how are you liking this place so far, (y/n)?" Damien asked. "I've definitely never been anywhere like it. It's incredible!" "My parents used to take me here all the time for my birthday when I was little. For me, it's pretty nostalgic."
    After a bit more of ya talking out food had arrived. We ate all of it so quickly and I had never tasted anything so good. Damien payed for our meal and we left the restaurant.
    He suggested we go to the park for a late night walk so I agreed. I was actually enjoying myself. We strolled and talked and talked even more.
    As we walked, I had the sudden urge to hold his hand. Strangely enough I did. I looked at him and he looked back at me with a smirk. "It's about time," he joked.
    After a while, we decided it was best we called it a night. We drove back to my place and walked to my doorstep.
    "I had and amazing night. Thank you so much, Damien!" "No, thank you, (y/n). I wouldn't have had this much fun with anyone else." As he said those words I took his hand once more. Damien, placing his hand on my cheek, pressed his lips against mine. I grabbed around his waist and pulled him closer. We kissed for what felt like an eternity. And for the first time in a long time, I was happy. All the sudden, every bad thing that had ever happened just didn't exist anymore. I pulled away slowly, gazing into brown eyes as if to ask for another moment. He smiled. "I hope we can do this again sometime."
He said. "So do I. I hope you don't mind if I text you more often as well." "I look forward to it."
   And with those words, I went inside feeling better than I ever thought I could be and more excited then I would've liked.

Work In Progress // Damien HaasWhere stories live. Discover now