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(Y/N)'s p/v-
     I couldn't believe I actually sent that. What did I think I was doing? Surely he would be sleeping by now. Right? Maybe I could just unsend it.
     Those dreadful three dots appear on the screen under my text. Too late.
     "Of course! Can't stop thinking about how great our date was!" I was pretty glad to see that. "Can I call you?" I shook as impulse took over. Why on earth would I do that?
     "I'd love to talk to you!" Soon enough, my finger hovered over the call button. I paused but once again I could not stop my impulse. The phone started ringing and almost immediately Damien picked up.
     "(Y/n)! What are you up to right now?" "Oh, not much. Just really wanted to talk to you more." "So, I take it you really liked our date?" "How could I not? You're so much fun to be around!"
     We continued to talk more about anything and everything that popped into our heads. After what only felt like 20 minutes, I looked at the clock which read 5:00. "NO WAY! HOW HAVE WE BEEN ABLE TO STAY UP THIS LATE?!?!" I almost yelled. " Oh, I didn't even realize what time it was. I guess I just lost track of time. I'm not to upset about it though. I enjoy talking to you. Either way, I should probably let you get some rest. Aaaaand I should probably get some rest as well." "Well, goodnight, Damien. Or maybe I should say good morning." We laughed. "See you soon, (y/n)."

(About an hour)
     I almost couldn't sleep because of how happy I felt. It was a good thing I didn't have to work in the morning. I did have a therapy session later that day though so I decided to push my thoughts aside and get some sleep.
     When I woke up, it was almost 1:00pm. "S**t, I'm gonna be late." I hurried and put on a fresh pair of sweats, a (favorite band) t-shirt, and pulled my hair back into a ponytail. I got in my car and realized how hungry I was. I made a quick stop at (fast food restaurant) and made my way over to my appointment.
     I came to the front desk, signed in, and took a seat in the waiting area until Dr. Keller called me back.
     "Hey, (y/n)! How have you been feeling since our last visit?" she said. "Mostly the usual. Lack of motivation, a lot of confusion, feeling very useless. Well up until yesterday I guess. Or at least a little bit less, if that makes sense." "Tell me about yesterday. What made yesterday different?"
     I hesitated for a moment. "Well.... I met this guy. At first I wasn't too jazzed about him but then he asked me on a date. I really wasn't looking forward to it but then he took me to this wonderful restaurant. We talked about everything there was to talk about and more. It was so easy to talk to him. Then at the end of the night, he kissed me. It felt like every negative feeling and thought never existed. I'm still ecstatic. We talked all night on the phone. I can't wait to see him again."
     "I'm so happy for you, (y/n)! Still make sure you be careful. Sometimes your brain likes to make decisions that aren't always the best for you. But, from what you've told me, I'm sure you've found a good one."
     "Thank you so much, Dr. Keller." We finished my appointment and left feeling even more confident about thinks with Damien. I sure hope things go well on our next date.

Work In Progress // Damien HaasWhere stories live. Discover now