Be Polite

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"I remember you!" It was Damien. From seeing his face I remembered how drunk I was when I asked for his number. Yes, he was good looking but no, he did not seem like my type. I predicted I'd only keep in touch with him for a couple of days and then never again.
I walked up to the cash register to take his order. "I remember you as well. What can I get for you?" "I'll just get an iced coffee."
I sent the order to the back, rang it up, and continued to talk seeing as there wasn't much else to do. "So, how do you know Courtney (Miller)?" I asked out of curiosity. " I work with her at Smosh. I have a great time there and enjoy doing what they do." That's odd, I thought to myself. I was sure I'd met everyone there. But I guess not.
"What about you? How do you know Courtney?" He asked. "We've been best friends since we were little. Best door neighbors even."
We continued talking until his drink was brought up by one of my coworkers. "If you wouldn't mind me asking," he began, "are you free this Friday?" New prediction: this would last a week. "I'm actually not doing anything. As long as this is a date offer," I joked.
"How about I pick you up at your place at 7pm? You can text me you address." "Sure thing," I said, "I look forward to it."
And with that, he walked out the door, and hopefully soon out of my life.

Work In Progress // Damien HaasWhere stories live. Discover now