One More Date

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oof i am sosososo sorry about ditching the book for a while i had some personal issues that i will not go into depth about. but the important part is that i'm back to writing and i hope you guys like what i have planned!!!


As I was driving back from my appointment, I heard my ringtone and looked at my phone to see that Damien had been calling me. My heart skipped a beat. Why did I feel like this? I'd never felt like this with any other guy. Well, except for... I pushed the thought away and answered Damien's call.
"Hey, Damien! What's up?"
"Hey (y/n)! I just wanted to check up on you see how you were doing. Also, I know we just went out last night but I was wondering if you'd possibly like to watch a movie at my place tonight?"
I hesitated for a second. Not because I didn't want to or I was scared. That wasn't the case. It was because I was surprised.
"O-of course!" I stuttered slightly.
"Perfect! We can figure out what to watch when you get here. And I'll order some pizza if you'd like!" He offered kindly.
"That'd be awesome! Can't wait! I'll head over aaat... let's say 8?"
"Sounds great! See you then m'lady." He answered in one of his voices (you know what I'm talking about)
We finished on the phone and hung up. I sighed. Why the hell did I feel this way? How could I let myself start to fall for someone after everything that happened the last time? No. I wasn't letting it happen. I couldn't. Tonight would be the last time I hung out with Damien. It had to be.

Damien's p/v

I'm so nervous for tonight. I know I shouldn't be, I mean we got along so well the night before and this is just a movie. What could go wrong?
7:53. Aaah she should be here soon. I walked around the room making sure everything was clean, petting Zelda as I walked by.
I hear a ping coming from my phone and looked at it.
  (Y/n) - I'm on my way rn. Be there soon
Okay. Everything looked great and she'll be here soon. Everything will be fine.


I just have to get through tonight and then it will all be over, I thought to myself. But what if that's not what I want? No it is what I want. I pulled up to Damien's apartment complex, got out of the car and headed to his apartment. I texted him letting him know I was there. I knocked on the door of his apartment and a few seconds later the door swung open revealing a smiling Damien. Dammit that smile.
"Hey, (y/n)!" He said with arms open. I greeted him back as he pulled me in for a hug.
"Are you excited?" Damien asked.
"Extremely!" I reply. I was, but also nervous for what was to come.

*y/p/v = your point of view
(For some reason I can't figure out what everyone else uses lol sorry not sorry)

Work In Progress // Damien HaasWhere stories live. Discover now