Movie Night

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"You can go ahead and sit down on the couch if you'd like. Oh, if you don't mind could you take your shoes off? Sorry." Damien said gesturing toward the couch and then by the door, where I assumed I could put my shoes. He seemed a bit flustered for some reason. Maybe he liked me. No that couldn't be it, we've only known each other for a little while.
"Oh sure." I reply as I do as he advises. "What movies did you have in mind, Damien?"
"Oh well I was thinking maybe Get Smart, or She's the Man, ooor even (y/f/m)?"
"WE SHOULD WATCH (y/f/m)! It's seriously the best!" Now I'm certain that I'm excited.
"The lady speaks, and I shall listen." He says, I let out a slight giggle as he sets the pizza on the coffee table and sits on the couch just a little out of reach from me. I knew it. He's just being nice, he doesn't actually like me. Then again why should I care. I didn't want this to go very far anyway.
The movie began and soon enough I could almost feel Damien glancing at me almost constantly. I look over to see him looking back at me with those beautiful brown eyes of his. Damn he looks amazing.
"C-can I scoot over just a bit?" I ask hesitantly. What the hell am I doing. I don't want this to go any farther than it already has. Or do I?
"Allow me." Damien offers, sliding closer to me and smoothly putting his arm around my shoulder. I gaze once more into his stunning eyes, then continue to lay my head on his shoulder. I can feel my face red. Oh dammit. I've done it again.

Damien's p/v

Her sparkling (y/e/c) eyes gaze into mine and I can't help but smile slightly. My heart skips a beat as she rest her head on me. She's absolutely gorgeous. We continued to watch the movie and soon after it finished I realized she had fallen asleep. I really didn't want to wake her as she seemed so peaceful and she looked adorable but I don't know how much she'd like it if she stayed the night here. I gently nudge her awake and she turns to look at me. I told her the movie was over and asked her if there was anything else she wanted to do.
"U-um... could I... maybe stay with you... tonight?"
"Of course, (y/n). You can sleep in my bed and I'll take the couch." She nodded in agreement and stood up. I showed here to my room and gave her a hoodie and some shorts to change into since jeans usually aren't the comfiest to sleep in.
"Thank you, Damien. You're the best." She said softly, placing a hand on my cheek, and kissed my other.
"Goodnight, (y/n). Sleep well."

~Time Jump~


My eyes open and suddenly a wave of panic and confusion take over. Where the hell am I? I think about the night before and remember Damien letting stay the night. I sit, stunned. I can't believe I actually let it happen. I fell for Damien. I told my self over and over for the past 5 months that I would never let it happen again. But it happened. And the only thing I could do about it was give in.
I slowly gather up the courage to walk out of the room to find Damien. I find him in the kitchen making pancakes.
"Hey there, sleepy head! Want breakfast?" He asked. I could've sworn I saw his cheeks turn pink for a second but maybe I'm imagining things.
"Uh sure. Damien, you don't have to do this for me you know."
"Yeah but I didn't have work today and I mean... it's the least I could do." He said.
"Least you could do for what?"
"I don't know I guess. You're just so nice and I just wanted to do something for you." He smiled. He's such a nice guy. I don't deserve him.
"Awwwe, well thanks Damien."
We ate breakfast and I decided it was time for me to head home to get ready for work which was in a couple hours.
"Hey before you leave, (y/n), I had a lot of fun last night. We should do it again sometime." He says moving a bit closer to me.
"I'd really like that actually." I reply, now inches apart. He slides his hand behind my waist, holding my back. He holds my face in his perfectly shaped palm. It's almost as if we were made for each other. I place one hand on his chest, the other around his neck. Slowly, our lips move closer together until there's no space between. We kiss and the same feeling I had the first time came back. Every negative event or feeling vanished. How could this be. He pulled me even closer to him, kissing me even more passionately than before. We slowed and I pulled away hesitantly.
"I've gotta get going. But....."
"We should definitely do this again sometime." Damien said cutting me off a little but I didn't mind one bit.
"That would be incredible." I smile as I walk backwards a little before turning to walk out the door. It's been too long since I've felt this way. But still, nothing has ever felt this amazing.

Hey pals! Hope y'all are enjoying this! Please please please let me know if you have any suggestions or if something makes no sense! I'm always trying to improve! Love y'all<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2019 ⏰

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