29- The Final Straw

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It took several weeks after the downfall of Voldemort, before things became normal again, in the wizarding world.
The people were finally starting to believe that he was gone for good, and that the war was finally over.
Death Eaters were being rounded up, and sent to Azkaban, which made most people feel safe once again.
Sara and Remus were some of the only people, who were not happily enjoying the new world. And the deaths of all of their friends, had also put a strain on their relationship. Because of this, despite living in the same house, they could go days, without saying a word to each other.

But even Sara had to admit, that the world was beginning to feel like a safe place once again.
So when Dumbledore turned up on her doorstep one night, looling grim, she knew something was seriously wrong.
"Dumbledore, what's happened?" Questioned Sara, when she found the old man standing outside her door.
"I hate to be the barer of bad news, but I thought it was best if I told you in person... May I come in?" He asked.
Sara nodded her head, and stepped to the side, allowing Dumbledore to enter her house.
"Dumbledore, this is a surprise" Remus admitted, as he lead the way into the living room.
"Yes, I expect it is. I just wish I was here in better circumstances" replied Dumbledore sadly.

"Something bad has happened, hasn't it? That's why you're here, right?" Quizzed Sara.
Dumbledore sighed, and nodded his head.
"Yes... Earlier this evening, the Auror Frank Longbottom, and his wife Alice, were attacked by Death Eaters, who appear to have been trying to find out where their Dark Lord, has dissappeared to. When Frank couldn't help them, they moved on to his wife, and ended up using the Cruciatus Curse on them both" he revealed.
Sara's hand flew to her mouth, and she fought back the tears that she could feel brewing inside of her.
"They're dead?" She asked quietly.
"No. They are alive" admitted Dumbledore.

Sara sniffed loudly and she started to smile, but as the look on Dumbledore's face remained grim, her smile began to fade.
"Have they been badly hurt?" Sara questioned.
"It's too early to say. The Healers at St Mungo's are working with them, as we speak. And hopefully they will be able to give us an update on the Longbottom's condition, very soon" answered Dumbledore.
"Well, what's wrong with them?" Remus asked cautiously.
"As I said, it's too early to say... But it seems that their minds have been destroyed, by the Cruciatus Curse. They don't seem to be able to speak, and have shown no recognition, thus far, to people that they do know.
But this may just be short term thing. They may fully recover in time. We just don't know" admitted Dumbledore.

"What about little Neville, their son? Is he O.K?" Asked Sara.
"He's fine. The boy was not at the house, when the Death Eaters arrived, he was with his Grandmother, and she has agreed to care for him, until his parents recover" revealed Dumbledore.
"I want you to be honest with me Dumbledore. Do you think Alice and Frank's minds will ever heal? Or have their brains been broken, forever?"
"I would never lie to you Miss Burne... It's only been a few hours since the attack, but I have to admit, that a recovery does not look very likely, at the moment"
"I see".

Sara turned to face Remus, with a determined look on her face.
"We have to go and see them, right now" she insisted.
"We can't, it's too late, and the Healers are very strict about visiting hours" reminded Remus.
"But I have to-"
"I promise I will take you to St Mungo's in the morning. But you will have to wait until then".
"Mr Lupin is right. It is too late for you to go now. But you don't need to worry about them. They have their family with them, and are being cared for very well" reassured Dumbledore.
"If you knew I wouldn't be able to go tonight, then why did you tell me now. Why not wait until the morning?" Questioned Sara angrily.

"The Longbottoms were very popular, and you were two of their closest friends, so I wanted to tell you in person. Tomorrow morning, it will be all over the newspapers, and I didn't want you to have to find out that way" admitted Dumbledore.
"Thank you. That was very thoughtful of you" replied Remus.
Sara said nothing, as she sat clenching her fists, and trying not to lose her temper.
"I know it's a bit of a shock for the two of you, and I am very sorry, for your loss....
The wizarding world has slowly been putting itself back together, and now this has happened. I just hope that it doesn't put us back to square one" sighed Dumbledore.
"Who was it? Who were the Death Eaters who attacked Alice and Frank?" Demanded Sara.

"I don't think that knowing, will bring you any happiness-" started Dumbledore.
"Who were they? I have to know" interupted Sara.
"Alright. There were 4 Death Eaters, who have been arrested for this crime; Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, and Barty Crouch jr"
"Barty Crouch's son is a Death Eater?"
"Maybe. He was found with the other three, so it is assumed so. But we will find out in their trial, which is due to take place in the next day or so"
"So they get a trial, and Sirius doesn't"
"Well, the boy is Barty's son, which is why he has been given a trial, alongside the other Death Eaters. But I honestly can't see any of them getting off. The Longbottom's attack has angered and upset a lot of people"
"I don't remember everyone getting angry and upset when James and Lily died".

"Sara!" warned Remus.
"It's alright Remus. I know that the Potter's deaths have affected you both, very badly, and you are both still grieving for your friends.
But Sara, you are wrong if you think that people weren't upset by James and Lily's deaths. They were just as popular as the Longbottoms, and a lot of people were very shaken by their murders.
I know it can't have been easy to see people celebrating, while you were still grieving. But I can assure you that all of your friends from school, mourned James and Lily's deaths, just as you did.
However, seeing as the 5 of you were closer, than any other friends I have seen before, your suffering is bound to worse, than most people who lose their friends. And only the pair of you, can truely understand what the other is going through" insisted Dumbledore.

"I know... I'm sorry for snapping Dumbledore" apologised Sara.
"You don't need to apologise. People often get angry, when they are hurting, and my broken nose is proof of that. It was broken by my brother Aberforth, at my sister's funeral. So I know better than most, what grief can do to people" revealed Dumbledore.
"Why didn't you just fix it with magic, to make it look normal again?"
"Because I wanted to keep it as a reminder, of my family, and where I came from. It also keeps me from ever forgetting my sister, even though she died many years ago"
"I see... Everyone expects me to just move on, and forget about the past. But I can't do that. I never want to forget those I've lost, surely that can't be a bad thing, can it?".

"We never forget our loved ones. And it's O.K to hold onto the past, as long as you don't forget to live.
Try not to feel sad about those that are gone. Keep their memories and achievements alive in your heart, but don't feel sorry that they are gone.
Do not pity the dead Sara, pity the living, and all those who live, without love.
You have felt love, so you are luckier than most. Never forget that" preached Dumbledore.
As Sara led Dumbledore to the door, and said goodbye to him, his ideas swam around her head, making it hard for her to think. She didn't feel very lucky, as she had lost everyone, that had ever meant anything to her.
And she wasn't sure if love was worth experiencing, if it was only going to make you more miserable later on.

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