Chapter 5

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Well it's been busy, a couple people saying they want an update to my book, i'm glad you guys are enjoying them but it's only the start and i'm so excited about this book because I know how I want it to go so let's get started with another chapter to Soulmates.

Previous Chapter- I walked back to my room seeing the girls already asleep so I looked at the clock '1:23' so I sighed getting changed then climbing into bed falling asleep thinking of this whole mission 'you can't fall for him Y/N' is what the voice inside me kept telling me but I could already tell i'm halfway there already.


I woke up at sunrise with only having a few hours of sleep, taking a deep breath preparing for the day. I silently got ready and into my uniform, I grabbed my swords and headed out to the training room like normal. I didn't see Damian there like normal so I shrugged before getting started stretching then some sword practice since I work with two katanas instead of one. More people started showing up so I looked at my watch seeing that I had been here for almost three hour so I walked out board of training. I finally ran into Brittney and Ashley so I chuckled seeing Ashley looking zombie like.

"Well if it isn't a zombie and a somewhat zombie" Brittney chuckled "well i'm not as bad as her, you know how it is when she gets up before lunch time" I nod looking at Ashley who was leaning against the wall trying not to fall asleep. I shake my head "well I have to go-" Brittney cut me off smirking "find Damian" I glare at her "no" I start walking away before I hear her shout "ARE YOU SURE" I roll my eyes "I'LL SEE YOU AT LUNCH".

I made my way to the throne room, Ra's was sorta integrating the man me and Damian caught. I saw Talia off to the side so I walked over by her. She smiled at me "Y/N,have you seen Damian" I shook my head no "I thought he would be here". She nodded "would you please go find him before lunch comes we have a new mission for you too but there will be a team of your choice joining you". 

I nod walking out of the room to go find Damian, but who knows where a boy like that wanders off too. I looked around but finally decided to go outside and look and sure enough I was right, he was outside sitting on top of our spot. I blushed lightly at the thought but then shook it off climbing up the hill to the top.

I walked up behind him "Damian" he turned back to look at me "Y/N" I smile before sitting next to him and hanging my feet of the edge "your Mother needs you" he nodded "then we should get going" he got up and started walking away but I stayed "Y/N" I turned back to him confused "we both know when my mother says she needs me, she needs you as well" he held out his hand to me so I turned away before letting him pull me up. Once again we didn't let go as we continued our walk back to the throne room "my son, where have you been" I saw him look at me so I put my head down and walked to the other end of the room.

I heard him sigh "I was just getting some fresh air mother, now what was it that you need of me" I looked up a bit to see her frowning at me but then she turned back to where Ra's was. "Since you caught him we thought you should be here but also because we have a new mission for you and Y/N but you will be bringing along some other recruiters, two of them have been hand picked but you may bring one two people of your choice each". I nod I walk out the room to go get Brittney and Ashley, I found them in a hallway so I shook my head "shouldn't you be training" they turned to me "shouldn't you be with your lover boy" I roll my eyes "come with me I need you two for a new mission".

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