Chapter 16

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Previously on Soulmates - "This might help in your favor, if you still treat her the same she might be appreciative when she finds out you loved her all that time but didn't start treating her differently" I chuckle thinking of her "Yeah, she will" it goes silent before mother gets up "I am going to get this mission rolling, you and Y/N will be heading out tonight so go get ready"

Here is the second chapter for the double update I said there would be !!!


Y/N's P.O.V

After I left the training session for me and Damian I did exactly what Ra's suggested I do and choose my other partner for this mission. I went back to my room to see if Ashley or Brittney were there but for once they weren't in the room making me shake my head. I started out on my search for the two in the lunch hall where there were a few people but not the two girls I was looking for.

I am now confused and start walking to the training hall which is the last place I thought I would ever see them but there they were. My eyes widen when I saw they were with Jordan, I walked over to them and they all turned to me even though Brittney and Ashley were in the middle of a sparring session with two separate assassins. "Could I maybe get a moment with my two friends" The two guys nodded to me and walked off leaving me with Jordan and the girls.

"Y/N, I haven't seen you all day. Where have you been" I shrug and Jordan's question "I have been with Talia, we did some training outside for some fresh air" I saw the girls look at each other before looking at me "With D-" I turned are glared at them with a look that said 'shut up' they both closed their mouths as I turned back to Jordan.

"Sorry if you were looking for me" he shrugged "I ended up finding these two who said they were friends with you. They both tried to help me find you when I said I was looking for you to train with" I chuckled "As if these two would know where I am, they are asleep most of their time here". I hear both the girls gasp and Brittney spoke up "Rude" I smiled at them both "Well do you wish to train now" he smiled "Well I have been waiting all day" We both walk to a mat and get into position.

"Let him see a fake one" I look at him confused "You want me to lose on purpose' He nods.

I remember what Ra's said and fix my position slightly so it's not as precise as before and then attack first. When I go to land my stike and Jordan's blocks I move my strike to land against his blocks. Hopefully, this makes him think that what he saw before was a fluke and I got lucky in our last sparring session.

I start to let up on my attacks so he can start to attack me, Once he began throwing blows they were not very strong so I let a few of them hit before I finally let one of his hits push me back and off the mat which signaled the end of the sparing session.

I put on a fake smile "Very good Jordan, have you been practicing" he looked a little proud of himself "I mean a little with Lina" I chuckle "Well I guess it paid off maybe you pick things up more quickly" his face lit up before Talia cam in the training hall "Y/N I need you for a mission" I turn to look at her and nod 'she must have figured out the fake mission already'.

I start walking towards the girls before leaning in between them and whispering "I will explain later right now I need one of you to come on this mission. Brittney pack your bag quickly you're with me" I pull away and walk towards Talia "Jordan, Cobra wants to see you in the Throne room so you may come with us" Once I walk past Talia she turns and walks beside me heading to the throne room "everything in motion" I see her smile "yes, go pack your bag and meet us at the throne room".

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